1.      Read    E.T.Y. Lee, Choosing nodes in parametric curve interpolation

2.     Write an m-function to build a parametric representation

of a planar curve passing through the given sequence of points

 at  [so that ]. 

Here is the beginning of your function (with a detailed explanation): [xx,yy]=curve_int(x,y,k,N).

The function will allow you to experiment with the choice of interpolating knots   as in the Lee’s paper: 

k=0 (uniformly spaced),

k=1 (the distance between knots is proportional to the chord length),

k=1/2 (proportional to the square root of the chord length).

Use the Matlab function spline; sum and cumsum may be also useful.

3.     Download to your working directory the binary files containing sequences of the sample points     

           left_hand.mat    angle.mat    four_points.mat 

(to load the x and y data, use, e.g.,  “load angle”.)

In your report: for each of these files present a figure, containing three differently colored interpolating curves (obtained for the three values of k).