Welcome to Adi's Site at Ben Gurion University

One side encryption project

This project was conducted by Adi - hen Sashkis and Yehezkel Horowitz and was supervised by Prop. Shlomi Dolev.

Our goal was to implemented the idea of behind Prop. Dolev's article and show it usability.

Here is a link for the project's presention.

Here is a link to the project's softwere:
 1. Encryptor.
 2. Decryptor.

To Install the softwere on your local machine simply:
1. Download the two zip file to your local machine.
2. Extract them in to their folder.

To use the softwere simply double - click on the exe file.
You must first run the decryptor and only later the decryptor.

When the decryptor screen first open, press on the connect button to start it. After press the connect button the decryptor will start listening.

When the encryptor screen first open,  you must chooce between two system modes: symmetric mode and asymmetric mode. after choocing the mode press the connect button for connecting and the send button for sending messages.

Guide for the user (In Hebrew)



About Me

Final Project




E-mail :
adihen at cs.bgu.ac.il