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Anything that doesn't fall neatly into any of the other categories winds up here.


(require 'batch)

The batch procedures provide a way to write and execute portable scripts for a variety of operating systems. Each batch: procedure takes as its first argument a parameter-list (see section Parameter lists). This parameter-list argument parms contains named associations. Batch currently uses 2 of these:

The port on which to write lines of the batch file.
The syntax of batch file to generate. Currently supported are:

`batch.scm' uses 2 enhanced relational tables (see section Database Utilities) to store information linking the names of operating-systems to batch-dialectes.

Function: batch:initialize! database
Defines operating-system and batch-dialect tables and adds the domain operating-system to the enhanced relational database database.

Variable: batch:platform
Is batch's best guess as to which operating-system it is running under. batch:platform is set to (software-type) (see section Configuration) unless (software-type) is unix, in which case finer distinctions are made.

Function: batch:call-with-output-script parms file proc
proc should be a procedure of one argument. If file is an output-port, batch:call-with-output-script writes an appropriate header to file and then calls proc with file as the only argument. If file is a string, batch:call-with-output-script opens a output-file of name file, writes an appropriate header to file, and then calls proc with the newly opened port as the only argument. Otherwise, batch:call-with-output-script acts as if it was called with the result of (current-output-port) as its third argument.

Function: batch:apply-chop-to-fit proc arg1 arg2 ... list
The procedure proc must accept at least one argument and return #t if successful, #f if not. batch:apply-chop-to-fit calls proc with arg1, arg2, ..., and chunk, where chunk is a subset of list. batch:apply-chop-to-fit tries proc with successively smaller subsets of list until either proc returns non-false, or the chunks become empty.

The rest of the batch: procedures write (or execute if batch-dialect is system) commands to the batch port which has been added to parms or (copy-tree parms) by the code:

(adjoin-parameters! parms (list 'batch-port port))

Function: batch:system parms string1 string2 ...
Calls batch:try-system (below) with arguments, but signals an error if batch:try-system returns #f.

These functions return a non-false value if the command was successfully translated into the batch dialect and #f if not. In the case of the system dialect, the value is non-false if the operation suceeded.

Function: batch:try-system parms string1 string2 ...
Writes a command to the batch-port in parms which executes the program named string1 with arguments string2 ....

Function: batch:run-script parms string1 string2 ...
Writes a command to the batch-port in parms which executes the batch script named string1 with arguments string2 ....

Note: batch:run-script and batch:try-system are not the same for some operating systems (VMS).

Function: batch:comment parms line1 ...
Writes comment lines line1 ... to the batch-port in parms.

Function: batch:lines->file parms file line1 ...
Writes commands to the batch-port in parms which create a file named file with contents line1 ....

Function: batch:delete-file parms file
Writes a command to the batch-port in parms which deletes the file named file.

Function: batch:rename-file parms old-name new-name
Writes a command to the batch-port in parms which renames the file old-name to new-name.

In addition, batch provides some small utilities very useful for writing scripts:

Function: truncate-up-to path char
Function: truncate-up-to path string
Function: truncate-up-to path charlist
path can be a string or a list of strings. Returns path sans any prefixes ending with a character of the second argument. This can be used to derive a filename moved locally from elsewhere.

(truncate-up-to "/usr/local/lib/slib/batch.scm" "/")
=> "batch.scm"

Function: replace-suffix str old new
str can be a string or a list of strings. Returns a new string (or strings) similar to str but with the suffix string old removed and the suffix string new appended. If the end of str does not match old, an error is signaled.

(replace-suffix "/usr/local/lib/slib/batch.scm" ".scm" ".c")
=> "/usr/local/lib/slib/batch.c"

Function: string-join joiner string1 ...
Returns a new string consisting of all the strings string1 ... in order appended together with the string joiner between each adjacent pair.

Function: must-be-first list1 list2
Returns a new list consisting of the elements of list2 ordered so that if some elements of list1 are equal? to elements of list2, then those elements will appear first and in the order of list1.

Function: must-be-last list1 list2
Returns a new list consisting of the elements of list1 ordered so that if some elements of list2 are equal? to elements of list1, then those elements will appear last and in the order of list2.

Function: os->batch-dialect osname
Returns its best guess for the batch-dialect to be used for the operating-system named osname. os->batch-dialect uses the tables added to database by batch:initialize!.

Here is an example of the use of most of batch's procedures:

(require 'database-utilities)
(require 'parameters)
(require 'batch)

(define batch (create-database #f 'alist-table))
(batch:initialize! batch)

(define my-parameters
  (list (list 'batch-dialect (os->batch-dialect batch:platform))
        (list 'platform batch:platform)
        (list 'batch-port (current-output-port)))) ;gets filled in later

 (lambda (batch-port)
   (adjoin-parameters! my-parameters (list 'batch-port batch-port))
    (batch:comment my-parameters
                   "================ Write file with C program.")
    (batch:rename-file my-parameters "hello.c" "hello.c~")
    (batch:lines->file my-parameters "hello.c"
                       "#include <stdio.h>"
                       "int main(int argc, char **argv)"
                       "  printf(\"hello world\\n\");"
                       "  return 0;"
                       "}" )
    (batch:system my-parameters "cc" "-c" "hello.c")
    (batch:system my-parameters "cc" "-o" "hello"
                  (replace-suffix "hello.c" ".c" ".o"))
    (batch:system my-parameters "hello")
    (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello")
    (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello.c")
    (batch:delete-file my-parameters "hello.o")
    (batch:delete-file my-parameters "my-batch")

Produces the file `my-batch':

# "my-batch" build script created Sat Jun 10 21:20:37 1995
# ================ Write file with C program.
mv -f hello.c hello.c~
rm -f hello.c
echo '#include <stdio.h>'>>hello.c
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv)'>>hello.c
echo '{'>>hello.c
echo '  printf("hello world\n");'>>hello.c
echo '  return 0;'>>hello.c
echo '}'>>hello.c
cc -c hello.c
cc -o hello hello.o
rm -f hello
rm -f hello.c
rm -f hello.o
rm -f my-batch

When run, `my-batch' prints:

bash$ my-batch
mv: hello.c: No such file or directory
hello world

Common List Functions

(require 'common-list-functions)

The procedures below follow the Common LISP equivalents apart from optional arguments in some cases.

List construction

Function: make-list k . init
make-list creates and returns a list of k elements. If init is included, all elements in the list are initialized to init.


(make-list 3)
   => (#<unspecified> #<unspecified> #<unspecified>)
(make-list 5 'foo)
   => (foo foo foo foo foo)

Function: list* x . y
Works like list except that the cdr of the last pair is the last argument unless there is only one argument, when the result is just that argument. Sometimes called cons*. E.g.:
(list* 1)
   => 1
(list* 1 2 3)
   => (1 2 . 3)
(list* 1 2 '(3 4))
   => (1 2 3 4)
(list* args '())
   == (list args)

Function: copy-list lst
copy-list makes a copy of lst using new pairs and returns it. Only the top level of the list is copied, i.e., pairs forming elements of the copied list remain eq? to the corresponding elements of the original; the copy is, however, not eq? to the original, but is equal? to it.


(copy-list '(foo foo foo))
   => (foo foo foo)
(define q '(foo bar baz bang))
(define p q)
(eq? p q)
   => #t
(define r (copy-list q))
(eq? q r)
   => #f
(equal? q r)
   => #t
(define bar '(bar))
(eq? bar (car (copy-list (list bar 'foo))))
=> #t
   @end lisp

Lists as sets

eq? is used to test for membership by all the procedures below which treat lists as sets.

Function: adjoin e l
adjoin returns the adjoint of the element e and the list l. That is, if e is in l, adjoin returns l, otherwise, it returns (cons e l).


(adjoin 'baz '(bar baz bang))
   => (bar baz bang)
(adjoin 'foo '(bar baz bang))
   => (foo bar baz bang)

Function: union l1 l2
union returns the combination of l1 and l2. Duplicates between l1 and l2 are culled. Duplicates within l1 or within l2 may or may not be removed.


(union '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
   => (4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8)
(union '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 5 6))
   => (2 1 3 4 5 6)

Function: intersection l1 l2
intersection returns all elements that are in both l1 and l2.


(intersection '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 5 6))
   => (3 4)
(intersection '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
   => ()

Function: set-difference l1 l2
set-difference returns the union of all elements that are in l1 but not in l2.


(set-difference '(1 2 3 4) '(3 4 5 6))
   => (1 2)
(set-difference '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
   => ()

Function: member-if pred lst
member-if returns lst if (pred element) is #t for any element in lst. Returns #f if pred does not apply to any element in lst.


(member-if vector? '(1 2 3 4))
   => #f
(member-if number? '(1 2 3 4))
   => (1 2 3 4)

Function: some pred lst . more-lsts
pred is a boolean function of as many arguments as there are list arguments to some i.e., lst plus any optional arguments. pred is applied to successive elements of the list arguments in order. some returns #t as soon as one of these applications returns #t, and is #f if none returns #t. All the lists should have the same length.


(some odd? '(1 2 3 4))
   => #t

(some odd? '(2 4 6 8))
   => #f

(some > '(2 3) '(1 4))
   => #f

Function: every pred lst . more-lsts
every is analogous to some except it returns #t if every application of pred is #t and #f otherwise.


(every even? '(1 2 3 4))
   => #f

(every even? '(2 4 6 8))
   => #t

(every > '(2 3) '(1 4))
   => #f

Function: notany pred . lst
notany is analogous to some but returns #t if no application of pred returns #t or #f as soon as any one does.

Function: notevery pred . lst
notevery is analogous to some but returns #t as soon as an application of pred returns #f, and #f otherwise.


(notevery even? '(1 2 3 4))
   => #t

(notevery even? '(2 4 6 8))
   => #f

Function: find-if pred lst
find-if searches for the first element in lst such that (pred element) returns #t. If it finds any such element in lst, element is returned. Otherwise, #f is returned.


(find-if number? '(foo 1 bar 2))
   => 1

(find-if number? '(foo bar baz bang))
   => #f

(find-if symbol? '(1 2 foo bar))
   => foo

Function: remove elt lst
remove removes all occurrences of elt from lst using eqv? to test for equality and returns everything that's left. N.B.: other implementations (Chez, Scheme->C and T, at least) use equal? as the equality test.


(remove 1 '(1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5))
   => (2 3 4 5)

(remove 'foo '(bar baz bang))
   => (bar baz bang)

Function: remove-if pred lst
remove-if removes all elements from lst where (pred element) is #t and returns everything that's left.


(remove-if number? '(1 2 3 4))
   => ()

(remove-if even? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
   => (1 3 5 7)

Function: remove-if-not pred lst
remove-if-not removes all elements from lst for which (pred element) is #f and returns everything that's left.


(remove-if-not number? '(foo bar baz))
   => ()
(remove-if-not odd? '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
   => (1 3 5 7)

Function: has-duplicates? lst
returns #t if 2 members of lst are equal?, #f otherwise. Example:
(has-duplicates? '(1 2 3 4))
   => #f

(has-duplicates? '(2 4 3 4))
   => #t

Lists as sequences

Function: position obj lst
position returns the 0-based position of obj in lst, or #f if obj does not occur in lst.


(position 'foo '(foo bar baz bang))
   => 0
(position 'baz '(foo bar baz bang))
   => 2
(position 'oops '(foo bar baz bang))
   => #f

Function: reduce p lst
reduce combines all the elements of a sequence using a binary operation (the combination is left-associative). For example, using +, one can add up all the elements. reduce allows you to apply a function which accepts only two arguments to more than 2 objects. Functional programmers usually refer to this as foldl. collect:reduce (See section Collections) provides a version of collect generalized to collections.


(reduce + '(1 2 3 4))
   => 10
(define (bad-sum . l) (reduce + l))
(bad-sum 1 2 3 4)
   == (reduce + (1 2 3 4))
   == (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4)
=> 10
   == (reduce + ())
   => ()
(reduce string-append '("hello" "cruel" "world"))
   == (string-append (string-append "hello" "cruel") "world")
   => "hellocruelworld"
(reduce anything '())
   => ()
(reduce anything '(x))
   => x

What follows is a rather non-standard implementation of reverse in terms of reduce and a combinator elsewhere called C.

;;; Contributed by Jussi Piitulainen (jpiitula@ling.helsinki.fi)

(define commute
  (lambda (f)
    (lambda (x y)
      (f y x))))

(define reverse
  (lambda (args)
    (reduce-init (commute cons) '() args)))

Function: reduce-init p init lst
reduce-init is the same as reduce, except that it implicitly inserts init at the start of the list. reduce-init is preferred if you want to handle the null list, the one-element, and lists with two or more elements consistently. It is common to use the operator's idempotent as the initializer. Functional programmers usually call this foldl.


(define (sum . l) (reduce-init + 0 l))
(sum 1 2 3 4)
   == (reduce-init + 0 (1 2 3 4))
   == (+ (+ (+ (+ 0 1) 2) 3) 4)
   => 10
   == (reduce-init + 0 '())
   => 0

(reduce-init string-append "@" '("hello" "cruel" "world"))
(string-append (string-append (string-append "@" "hello")
=> "@hellocruelworld"

Given a differentiation of 2 arguments, diff, the following will differentiate by any number of variables.

(define (diff* exp . vars)
  (reduce-init diff exp vars))


;;; Real-world example:  Insertion sort using reduce-init.

(define (insert l item)
  (if (null? l)
      (list item)
      (if (< (car l) item)
          (cons (car l) (insert (cdr l) item))
          (cons item l))))
(define (insertion-sort l) (reduce-init insert '() l))

(insertion-sort '(3 1 4 1 5)
   == (reduce-init insert () (3 1 4 1 5))
   == (insert (insert (insert (insert (insert () 3) 1) 4) 1) 5)
   == (insert (insert (insert (insert (3)) 1) 4) 1) 5)
   == (insert (insert (insert (1 3) 4) 1) 5)
   == (insert (insert (1 3 4) 1) 5)
   == (insert (1 1 3 4) 5)
   => (1 1 3 4 5)
   @end lisp
Function: butlast lst n
butlast returns all but the last n elements of lst. Example:
(butlast '(1 2 3 4) 3)
   => (1)
(butlast '(1 2 3 4) 4)
   => ()
Function: nthcdr n lst
nthcdr takes n cdrs of lst and returns the result. Thus (nthcdr 3 lst) == (cdddr lst) Example:
(nthcdr 2 '(1 2 3 4))
   => (3 4)
(nthcdr 0 '(1 2 3 4))
   => (1 2 3 4)
Function: last lst n
last returns the last n elements of lst. n must be a non-negative integer. Example:
(last '(foo bar baz bang) 2)
   => (baz bang)
(last '(1 2 3) 0)
   => 0

Destructive list operations

These procedures may mutate the list they operate on, but any such mutation is undefined.

Procedure: nconc args
nconc destructively concatenates its arguments. (Compare this with append, which copies arguments rather than destroying them.) Sometimes called append! (See section Rev2 Procedures).

Example: You want to find the subsets of a set. Here's the obvious way:

(define (subsets set)
  (if (null? set)
      (append (mapcar (lambda (sub) (cons (car set) sub))
                      (subsets (cdr set)))
              (subsets (cdr set)))))

But that does way more consing than you need. Instead, you could replace the append with nconc, since you don't have any need for all the intermediate results.


(define x '(a b c))
(define y '(d e f))
(nconc x y)
   => (a b c d e f)
   => (a b c d e f)

nconc is the same as append! in `sc2.scm'.

Procedure: nreverse lst
nreverse reverses the order of elements in lst by mutating cdrs of the list. Sometimes called reverse!.


(define foo '(a b c))
(nreverse foo)
   => (c b a)
   => (a)

Some people have been confused about how to use nreverse, thinking that it doesn't return a value. It needs to be pointed out that

(set! lst (nreverse lst))

is the proper usage, not

(nreverse lst)

The example should suffice to show why this is the case.

Procedure: delete elt lst
Procedure: delete-if pred lst
Procedure: delete-if-not pred lst
Destructive versions of remove remove-if, and remove-if-not.


(define lst '(foo bar baz bang))
(delete 'foo lst)
   => (bar baz bang)
   => (foo bar baz bang)

(define lst '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(delete-if odd? lst)
   => (2 4 6 8)
   => (1 2 4 6 8)

Some people have been confused about how to use delete, delete-if, and delete-if, thinking that they dont' return a value. It needs to be pointed out that

(set! lst (delete el lst))

is the proper usage, not

(delete el lst)

The examples should suffice to show why this is the case.

Non-List functions

Function: and? . args
and? checks to see if all its arguments are true. If they are, and? returns #t, otherwise, #f. (In contrast to and, this is a function, so all arguments are always evaluated and in an unspecified order.)


(and? 1 2 3)
   => #t
(and #f 1 2)
   => #f

Function: or? . args
or? checks to see if any of its arguments are true. If any is true, or? returns #t, and #f otherwise. (To or as and? is to and.)


(or? 1 2 #f)
   => #t
(or? #f #f #f)
   => #f

Function: atom? object
Returns #t if object is not a pair and #f if it is pair. (Called atom in Common LISP.)
(atom? 1)
   => #t
(atom? '(1 2))
   => #f
(atom? #(1 2))   ; dubious!
   => #t

Function: type-of object
Returns a symbol name for the type of object.

Function: coerce object result-type
Converts and returns object of type char, number, string, symbol, list, or vector to result-type (which must be one of these symbols).


(require 'format)

Format Interface

Function: format destination format-string . arguments
An almost complete implementation of Common LISP format description according to the CL reference book Common LISP from Guy L. Steele, Digital Press. Backward compatible to most of the available Scheme format implementations.

Returns #t, #f or a string; has side effect of printing according to format-string. If destination is #t, the output is to the current output port and #t is returned. If destination is #f, a formatted string is returned as the result of the call. NEW: If destination is a string, destination is regarded as the format string; format-string is then the first argument and the output is returned as a string. If destination is a number, the output is to the current error port if available by the implementation. Otherwise destination must be an output port and #t is returned.

format-string must be a string. In case of a formatting error format returns #f and prints a message on the current output or error port. Characters are output as if the string were output by the display function with the exception of those prefixed by a tilde (~). For a detailed description of the format-string syntax please consult a Common LISP format reference manual. For a test suite to verify this format implementation load `formatst.scm'. Please send bug reports to lutzeb@cs.tu-berlin.de.

Note: format is not reentrant, i.e. only one format-call may be executed at a time.

Format Specification (Format version 3.0)

Please consult a Common LISP format reference manual for a detailed description of the format string syntax. For a demonstration of the implemented directives see `formatst.scm'.

This implementation supports directive parameters and modifiers (: and @ characters). Multiple parameters must be separated by a comma (,). Parameters can be numerical parameters (positive or negative), character parameters (prefixed by a quote character ('), variable parameters (v), number of rest arguments parameter (#), empty and default parameters. Directive characters are case independent. The general form of a directive is:

directive ::= ~{directive-parameter,}[:][@]directive-character

directive-parameter ::= [ [-|+]{0-9}+ | 'character | v | # ]

Implemented CL Format Control Directives

Documentation syntax: Uppercase characters represent the corresponding control directive characters. Lowercase characters represent control directive parameter descriptions.

Any (print as display does).
left pad.
full padding.
S-expression (print as write does).
left pad.
full padding.
print number sign always.
print comma separated.
print number sign always.
print comma separated.
print number sign always.
print comma separated.
print number sign always.
print comma separated.
Radix n.
print a number as a Roman numeral.
print a number as an ordinal English number.
print a number as a cardinal English number.
prints y and ies.
as ~P but jumps 1 argument backward.
as ~@P but jumps 1 argument backward.
prints a character as the reader can understand it (i.e. #\ prefixing).
prints a character as emacs does (eg. ^C for ASCII 03).
Fixed-format floating-point (prints a flonum like mmm.nnn).
If the number is positive a plus sign is printed.
Exponential floating-point (prints a flonum like mmm.nnnEee).
If the number is positive a plus sign is printed.
General floating-point (prints a flonum either fixed or exponential).
If the number is positive a plus sign is printed.
Dollars floating-point (prints a flonum in fixed with signs separated).
If the number is positive a plus sign is printed.
A sign is always printed and appears before the padding.
The sign appears before the padding.
print n newlines.
print newline if not at the beginning of the output line.
prints ~& and then n-1 newlines.
Page Separator.
print n page separators.
print n tildes.
Continuation Line.
newline is ignored, white space left.
newline is left, white space ignored.
relative tabulation.
full tabulation.
Indirection (expects indirect arguments as a list).
extracts indirect arguments from format arguments.
Case conversion (converts by string-downcase).
converts by string-capitalize.
converts by string-capitalize-first.
converts by string-upcase.
Argument Jumping (jumps 1 argument forward).
jumps n arguments forward.
jumps 1 argument backward.
jumps n arguments backward.
jumps to the 0th argument.
jumps to the nth argument (beginning from 0)
Conditional Expression (numerical clause conditional).
take argument from n.
true test conditional.
if-else-then conditional.
clause separator.
default clause follows.
Iteration (args come from the next argument (a list)).
at most n iterations.
args from next arg (a list of lists).
args from the rest of arguments.
args from the rest args (lists).
Up and out.
aborts if n = 0
aborts if n = m
aborts if n <= m <= k

Not Implemented CL Format Control Directives

print #f as an empty list (see below).
print #f as an empty list (see below).
(sorry I don't understand its semantics completely)

Extended, Replaced and Additional Control Directives

commawidth is the number of characters between two comma characters.
print a R4RS complex number as ~F~@Fi with passed parameters for ~F.
Pretty print formatting of an argument for scheme code lists.
Same as ~?.
Flushes the output if format destination is a port.
Print a #\space character
print n #\space characters.
Print a #\tab character
print n #\tab characters.
Takes n as an integer representation for a character. No arguments are consumed. n is converted to a character by integer->char. n must be a positive decimal number.
Print out readproof. Prints out internal objects represented as #<...> as strings "#<...>" so that the format output can always be processed by read.
Print out readproof. Prints out internal objects represented as #<...> as strings "#<...>" so that the format output can always be processed by read.
Prints information and a copyright notice on the format implementation.
prints format version.
~F, ~E, ~G, ~$
may also print number strings, i.e. passing a number as a string and format it accordingly.

Configuration Variables

Format has some configuration variables at the beginning of `format.scm' to suit the systems and users needs. There should be no modification necessary for the configuration that comes with SLIB. If modification is desired the variable should be set after the format code is loaded. Format detects automatically if the running scheme system implements floating point numbers and complex numbers.

Symbols are converted by symbol->string so the case type of the printed symbols is implementation dependent. format:symbol-case-conv is a one arg closure which is either #f (no conversion), string-upcase, string-downcase or string-capitalize. (default #f)
As format:symbol-case-conv but applies for the representation of implementation internal objects. (default #f)
The character prefixing the exponent value in ~E printing. (default #\E)

Compatibility With Other Format Implementations

SLIB format 2.x:
See `format.doc'.
SLIB format 1.4:
Downward compatible except for padding support and ~A, ~S, ~P, ~X uppercase printing. SLIB format 1.4 uses C-style printf padding support which is completely replaced by the CL format padding style.
MIT C-Scheme 7.1:
Downward compatible except for ~, which is not documented (ignores all characters inside the format string up to a newline character). (7.1 implements ~a, ~s, ~newline, ~~, ~%, numerical and variable parameters and :/@ modifiers in the CL sense).
Elk 1.5/2.0:
Downward compatible except for ~A and ~S which print in uppercase. (Elk implements ~a, ~s, ~~, and ~% (no directive parameters or modifiers)).
Scheme->C 01nov91:
Downward compatible except for an optional destination parameter: S2C accepts a format call without a destination which returns a formatted string. This is equivalent to a #f destination in S2C. (S2C implements ~a, ~s, ~c, ~%, and ~~ (no directive parameters or modifiers)).

This implementation of format is solely useful in the SLIB context because it requires other components provided by SLIB.


(require 'generic-write)

generic-write is a procedure that transforms a Scheme data value (or Scheme program expression) into its textual representation and prints it. The interface to the procedure is sufficiently general to easily implement other useful formatting procedures such as pretty printing, output to a string and truncated output.

Procedure: generic-write obj display? width output
Scheme data value to transform.
Boolean, controls whether characters and strings are quoted.
Extended boolean, selects format:
single line format
integer > 0
pretty-print (value = max nb of chars per line)
Procedure of 1 argument of string type, called repeatedly with successive substrings of the textual representation. This procedure can return #f to stop the transformation.

The value returned by generic-write is undefined.


(write obj) == (generic-write obj #f #f display-string)
(display obj) == (generic-write obj #t #f display-string)


display-string ==
(lambda (s) (for-each write-char (string->list s)) #t)

Line I/O

(require 'line-i/o)

Function: read-line
Function: read-line port
Returns a string of the characters up to, but not including a newline or end of file, updating port to point to the character following the newline. If no characters are available, an end of file object is returned. port may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value returned by current-input-port.

Function: read-line! string
Function: read-line! string port
Fills string with characters up to, but not including a newline or end of file, updating the port to point to the last character read or following the newline if it was read. If no characters are available, an end of file object is returned. If a newline or end of file was found, the number of characters read is returned. Otherwise, #f is returned. port may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value returned by current-input-port.

Function: write-line string
Function: write-line string port
Writes string followed by a newline to the given port and returns an unspecified value. Port may be omited, in which case it defaults to the value returned by current-input-port.


(require 'process)

Procedure: add-process! proc
Adds proc, which must be a procedure (or continuation) capable of accepting accepting one argument, to the process:queue. The value returned is unspecified. The argument to proc should be ignored. If proc returns, the process is killed.

Procedure: process:schedule!
Saves the current process on process:queue and runs the next process from process:queue. The value returned is unspecified.

Procedure: kill-process!
Kills the current process and runs the next process from process:queue. If there are no more processes on process:queue, (slib:exit) is called (See section System).


(require 'object->string)

Function: object->string obj
Returns the textual representation of obj as a string.


(require 'pretty-print)

Procedure: pretty-print obj
Procedure: pretty-print obj port

pretty-prints obj on port. If port is not specified, current-output-port is used.


(pretty-print '((1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10) (11 12 13 14 15)
                (16 17 18 19 20) (21 22 23 24 25)))
   -| ((1 2 3 4 5)
   -|  (6 7 8 9 10)
   -|  (11 12 13 14 15)
   -|  (16 17 18 19 20)
   -|  (21 22 23 24 25))

(require 'pprint-file)

Procedure: pprint-file infile
Procedure: pprint-file infile outfile
Pretty-prints all the code in infile. If outfile is specified, the output goes to outfile, otherwise it goes to (current-output-port).

Function: pprint-filter-file infile proc outfile
Function: pprint-filter-file infile proc
infile is a port or a string naming an existing file. Scheme source code expressions and definitions are read from the port (or file) and proc is applied to them sequentially.

outfile is a port or a string. If no outfile is specified then current-output-port is assumed. These expanded expressions are then pretty-printed to this port.

Whitepsace and comments (introduced by ;) which are not part of scheme expressions are reproduced in the output. This procedure does not affect the values returned by current-input-port and current-output-port.

pprint-filter-file can be used to pre-compile macro-expansion and thus can reduce loading time. The following will write into `exp-code.scm' the result of expanding all defmacros in `code.scm'.

(require 'pprint-file)
(require 'defmacroexpand)
(defmacro:load "my-macros.scm")
(pprint-filter-file "code.scm" defmacro:expand* "exp-code.scm")


(require 'sort)

Many Scheme systems provide some kind of sorting functions. They do not, however, always provide the same sorting functions, and those that I have had the opportunity to test provided inefficient ones (a common blunder is to use quicksort which does not perform well).

Because sort and sort! are not in the standard, there is very little agreement about what these functions look like. For example, Dybvig says that Chez Scheme provides

(merge predicate list1 list2)
(merge! predicate list1 list2)
(sort predicate list)
(sort! predicate list)

while MIT Scheme 7.1, following Common LISP, offers unstable

(sort list predicate)

TI PC Scheme offers

(sort! list/vector predicate?)

and Elk offers

(sort list/vector predicate?)
(sort! list/vector predicate?)

Here is a comprehensive catalogue of the variations I have found.

  1. Both sort and sort! may be provided.
  2. sort may be provided without sort!.
  3. sort! may be provided without sort.
  4. Neither may be provided.
  5. The sequence argument may be either a list or a vector.
  6. The sequence argument may only be a list.
  7. The sequence argument may only be a vector.
  8. The comparison function may be expected to behave like <.
  9. The comparison function may be expected to behave like <=.
  10. The interface may be (sort predicate? sequence).
  11. The interface may be (sort sequence predicate?).
  12. The interface may be (sort sequence &optional (predicate? <)).
  13. The sort may be stable.
  14. The sort may be unstable.

All of this variation really does not help anybody. A nice simple merge sort is both stable and fast (quite a lot faster than quick sort).

I am providing this source code with no restrictions at all on its use (but please retain D.H.D.Warren's credit for the original idea). You may have to rename some of these functions in order to use them in a system which already provides incompatible or inferior sorts. For each of the functions, only the top-level define needs to be edited to do that.

I could have given these functions names which would not clash with any Scheme that I know of, but I would like to encourage implementors to converge on a single interface, and this may serve as a hint. The argument order for all functions has been chosen to be as close to Common LISP as made sense, in order to avoid NIH-itis.

Each of the five functions has a required last parameter which is a comparison function. A comparison function f is a function of 2 arguments which acts like <. For example,

(not (f x x))
(and (f x y) (f y z)) == (f x z)

The standard functions <, >, char<?, char>?, char-ci<?, char-ci>?, string<?, string>?, string-ci<?, and string-ci>? are suitable for use as comparison functions. Think of (less? x y) as saying when x must not precede y.

Function: sorted? sequence less?
Returns #t when the sequence argument is in non-decreasing order according to less? (that is, there is no adjacent pair ... x y ... for which (less? y x)).

Returns #f when the sequence contains at least one out-of-order pair. It is an error if the sequence is neither a list nor a vector.

Function: merge list1 list2 less?
This merges two lists, producing a completely new list as result. I gave serious consideration to producing a Common-LISP-compatible version. However, Common LISP's sort is our sort! (well, in fact Common LISP's stable-sort is our sort!, merge sort is fast as well as stable!) so adapting CL code to Scheme takes a bit of work anyway. I did, however, appeal to CL to determine the order of the arguments.

Procedure: merge! list1 list2 less?
Merges two lists, re-using the pairs of list1 and list2 to build the result. If the code is compiled, and less? constructs no new pairs, no pairs at all will be allocated. The first pair of the result will be either the first pair of list1 or the first pair of list2, but you can't predict which.

The code of merge and merge! could have been quite a bit simpler, but they have been coded to reduce the amount of work done per iteration. (For example, we only have one null? test per iteration.)

Function: sort sequence less?
Accepts either a list or a vector, and returns a new sequence which is sorted. The new sequence is the same type as the input. Always (sorted? (sort sequence less?) less?). The original sequence is not altered in any way. The new sequence shares its elements with the old one; no elements are copied.

Procedure: sort! sequence less?
Returns its sorted result in the original boxes. If the original sequence is a list, no new storage is allocated at all. If the original sequence is a vector, the sorted elements are put back in the same vector.

Some people have been confused about how to use sort!, thinking that it doesn't return a value. It needs to be pointed out that

(set! slist (sort! slist <))

is the proper usage, not

(sort! slist <)

Note that these functions do not accept a CL-style `:key' argument. A simple device for obtaining the same expressiveness is to define

(define (keyed less? key)
  (lambda (x y) (less? (key x) (key y))))

and then, when you would have written

(sort a-sequence #'my-less :key #'my-key)

in Common LISP, just write

(sort! a-sequence (keyed my-less? my-key))

in Scheme.

Topological Sort

(require 'topological-sort) or (require 'tsort)

The algorithm is inspired by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest (1990) Introduction to Algorithms, chapter 23.

Function: tsort dag pred
Function: topological-sort dag pred
is a list of sublists. The car of each sublist is a vertex. The cdr is the adjacency list of that vertex, i.e. a list of all vertices to which there exists an edge from the car vertex.
is one of eq?, eqv?, equal?, =, char=?, char-ci=?, string=?, or string-ci=?.

Sort the directed acyclic graph dag so that for every edge from vertex u to v, u will come before v in the resulting list of vertices.

Time complexity: O (|V| + |E|)

Example (from Cormen):

Prof. Bumstead topologically sorts his clothing when getting dressed. The first argument to `tsort' describes which garments he needs to put on before others. (For example, Prof Bumstead needs to put on his shirt before he puts on his tie or his belt.) `tsort' gives the correct order of dressing:

(require 'tsort)
(tsort '((shirt tie belt)
         (tie jacket)
         (belt jacket)
         (pants shoes belt)
         (undershorts pants shoes)
         (socks shoes))
(socks undershorts pants shoes watch shirt belt tie jacket)

Standard Formatted I/O


(require 'stdio)

requires printf and scanf and additionally defines the symbols:

Variable: stdin
Defined to be (current-input-port).
Variable: stdout
Defined to be (current-output-port).
Variable: stderr
Defined to be (current-error-port).

Standard Formatted Output

(require 'printf)

Procedure: printf format arg1 ...
Procedure: fprintf port format arg1 ...
Procedure: sprintf str format arg1 ...

Each function converts, formats, and outputs its arg1 ... arguments according to the control string format argument and returns the number of characters output.

printf sends its output to the port (current-output-port). fprintf sends its output to the port port. sprintf string-set!s locations of the non-constant string argument str to the output characters.

Note: sprintf should be changed to a macro so a substring expression could be used for the str argument.

The string format contains plain characters which are copied to the output stream, and conversion specifications, each of which results in fetching zero or more of the arguments arg1 .... The results are undefined if there are an insufficient number of arguments for the format. If format is exhausted while some of the arg1 ... arguments remain unused, the excess arg1 ... arguments are ignored.

The conversion specifications in a format string have the form:

% [ flags ] [ width ] [ . precision ] [ type ] conversion

An output conversion specifications consist of an initial `%' character followed in sequence by:

Exact Conversions

`d', `i'
Print an integer as a signed decimal number. `%d' and `%i' are synonymous for output, but are different when used with scanf for input (see section Standard Formatted Input).
Print an integer as an unsigned octal number.
Print an integer as an unsigned decimal number.
`x', `X'
Print an integer as an unsigned hexadecimal number. `%x' prints using the digits `0123456789abcdef'. `%X' prints using the digits `0123456789ABCDEF'.

Inexact Conversions

Note: Inexact conversions are not supported yet.

Print a floating-point number in fixed-point notation.
`e', `E'
Print a floating-point number in exponential notation. `%e' prints `e' between mantissa and exponont. `%E' prints `E' between mantissa and exponont.
`g', `G'
Print a floating-point number in either normal or exponential notation, whichever is more appropriate for its magnitude. `%g' prints `e' between mantissa and exponont. `%G' prints `E' between mantissa and exponont.

Other Conversions

Print a single character. The `-' flag is the only one which can be specified. It is an error to specify a precision.
Print a string. The `-' flag is the only one which can be specified. A precision specifies the maximum number of characters to output; otherwise all characters in the string are output.
`a', `A'
Print a scheme expression. The `-' flag left-justifies the output. The `#' flag specifies that strings and characters should be quoted as by write (which can be read using read); otherwise, output is as display prints. A precision specifies the maximum number of characters to output; otherwise as many characters as needed are output. Note: `%a' and `%A' are SLIB extensions.
Print a literal `%' character. No argument is consumed. It is an error to specifiy flags, field width, precision, or type modifiers with `%%'.

Standard Formatted Input

(require 'scanf)

Function: scanf-read-list format
Function: scanf-read-list format port
Function: scanf-read-list format string

Macro: scanf format arg1 ...
Macro: fscanf port format arg1 ...
Macro: sscanf str format arg1 ...

Each function reads characters, interpreting them according to the control string format argument.

scanf-read-list returns a list of the items specified as far as the input matches format. scanf, fscanf, and sscanf return the number of items successfully matched and stored. scanf, fscanf, and sscanf also set the location corresponding to arg1 ... using the methods:

car expression
cdr expression
vector-ref expression
substring expression

The argument to a substring expression in arg1 ... must be a non-constant string. Characters will be stored starting at the position specified by the second argument to substring. The number of characters stored will be limited by either the position specified by the third argument to substring or the length of the matched string, whichever is less.

The control string, format, contains conversion specifications and other characters used to direct interpretation of input sequences. The control string contains:

Unless the specification contains the `n' conversion character (described below), a conversion specification directs the conversion of the next input field. The result of a conversion specification is returned in the position of the corresponding argument points, unless `*' indicates assignment suppression. Assignment suppression provides a way to describe an input field to be skipped. An input field is defined as a string of characters; it extends to the next inappropriate character or until the field width, if specified, is exhausted.

Note: This specification of format strings differs from the ANSI C and POSIX specifications. In SLIB, white space before an input field is not skipped unless white space appears before the conversion specification in the format string. In order to write format strings which work identically with ANSI C and SLIB, prepend whitespace to all conversion specifications except `[' and `c'.

The conversion code indicates the interpretation of the input field; For a suppressed field, no value is returned. The following conversion codes are legal:

A single % is expected in the input at this point; no value is returned.
`d', `D'
A decimal integer is expected.
`u', `U'
An unsigned decimal integer is expected.
`o', `O'
An octal integer is expected.
`x', `X'
A hexadecimal integer is expected.
An integer is expected. Returns the value of the next input item, interpreted according to C conventions; a leading `0' implies octal, a leading `0x' implies hexadecimal; otherwise, decimal is assumed.
Returns the total number of bytes (including white space) read by scanf. No input is consumed by %n.
`f', `F', `e', `E', `g', `G'
A floating-point number is expected. The input format for floating-point numbers is an optionally signed string of digits, possibly containing a radix character `.', followed by an optional exponent field consisting of an `E' or an `e', followed by an optional `+', `-', or space, followed by an integer.
`c', `C'
Width characters are expected. The normal skip-over-white-space is suppressed in this case; to read the next non-space character, use `%1s'. If a field width is given, a string is returned; up to the indicated number of characters is read.
`s', `S'
A character string is expected The input field is terminated by a white-space character. scanf cannot read a null string.
Indicates string data and the normal skip-over-leading-white-space is suppressed. The left bracket is followed by a set of characters, called the scanset, and a right bracket; the input field is the maximal sequence of input characters consisting entirely of characters in the scanset. `^', when it appears as the first character in the scanset, serves as a complement operator and redefines the scanset as the set of all characters not contained in the remainder of the scanset string. Construction of the scanset follows certain conventions. A range of characters may be represented by the construct first-last, enabling `[0123456789]' to be expressed `[0-9]'. Using this convention, first must be lexically less than or equal to last; otherwise, the dash stands for itself. The dash also stands for itself when it is the first or the last character in the scanset. To include the right square bracket as an element of the scanset, it must appear as the first character (possibly preceded by a `^') of the scanset, in which case it will not be interpreted syntactically as the closing bracket. At least one character must match for this conversion to succeed.

The scanf functions terminate their conversions at end-of-file, at the end of the control string, or when an input character conflicts with the control string. In the latter case, the offending character is left unread in the input stream.


(require 'string-case)

Procedure: string-upcase str
Procedure: string-downcase str
Procedure: string-capitalize str
The obvious string conversion routines. These are non-destructive.

Function: string-upcase! str
Function: string-downcase! str
Function: string-captialize! str
The destructive versions of the functions above.

String Ports

(require 'string-port)

Procedure: call-with-output-string proc
proc must be a procedure of one argument. This procedure calls proc with one argument: a (newly created) output port. When the function returns, the string composed of the characters written into the port is returned.

Procedure: call-with-input-string string proc
proc must be a procedure of one argument. This procedure calls proc with one argument: an (newly created) input port from which string's contents may be read. When proc returns, the port is closed and the value yielded by the procedure proc is returned.

String Search

(require 'string-search)

Procedure: string-index string char
Returns the index of the first occurence of char within string, or #f if the string does not contain a character char.

procedure: substring? pattern string
Searches string to see if some substring of string is equal to pattern. substring? returns the index of the first character of the first substring of string that is equal to pattern; or #f if string does not contain pattern.

(substring? "rat" "pirate") =>  2
(substring? "rat" "outrage") =>  #f
(substring? "" any-string) =>  0

Procedure: find-string-from-port? str in-port max-no-chars
Procedure: find-string-from-port? str in-port
Looks for a string str within the first max-no-chars chars of the input port in-port. max-no-chars may be omitted: in that case, the search span is limited by the end of the input stream. When the str is found, the function returns the number of characters it has read from the port, and the port is set to read the first char after that (that is, after the str) The function returns #f when the str isn't found.

find-string-from-port? reads the port strictly sequentially, and does not perform any buffering. So find-string-from-port? can be used even if the in-port is open to a pipe or other communication channel.

Tektronix Graphics Support

Note: The Tektronix graphics support files need more work, and are not complete.

Tektronix 4000 Series Graphics

The Tektronix 4000 series graphics protocol gives the user a 1024 by 1024 square drawing area. The origin is in the lower left corner of the screen. Increasing y is up and increasing x is to the right.

The graphics control codes are sent over the current-output-port and can be mixed with regular text and ANSI or other terminal control sequences.

Procedure: tek40:init

Procedure: tek40:graphics

Procedure: tek40:text

Procedure: tek40:linetype linetype

Procedure: tek40:move x y

Procedure: tek40:draw x y

Procedure: tek40:put-text x y str

Procedure: tek40:reset

Tektronix 4100 Series Graphics

The graphics control codes are sent over the current-output-port and can be mixed with regular text and ANSI or other terminal control sequences.

Procedure: tek41:init

Procedure: tek41:reset

Procedure: tek41:graphics

Procedure: tek41:move x y

Procedure: tek41:draw x y

Procedure: tek41:point x y number

Procedure: tek41:encode-x-y x y

Procedure: tek41:encode-int number

Tree operations

(require 'tree)

These are operations that treat lists a representations of trees.

Function: subst new old tree
Function: substq new old tree
Function: substv new old tree
subst makes a copy of tree, substituting new for every subtree or leaf of tree which is equal? to old and returns a modified tree. The original tree is unchanged, but may share parts with the result.

substq and substv are similar, but test against old using eq? and eqv? respectively.


(substq 'tempest 'hurricane '(shakespeare wrote (the hurricane)))
   => (shakespeare wrote (the tempest))
(substq 'foo '() '(shakespeare wrote (twelfth night)))
   => (shakespeare wrote (twelfth night . foo) . foo)
(subst '(a . cons) '(old . pair)
       '((old . spice) ((old . shoes) old . pair) (old . pair)))
   => ((old . spice) ((old . shoes) a . cons) (a . cons))

Function: copy-tree tree
Makes a copy of the nested list structure tree using new pairs and returns it. All levels are copied, so that none of the pairs in the tree are eq? to the original ones -- only the leaves are.


(define bar '(bar))
(copy-tree (list bar 'foo))
   => ((bar) foo)
(eq? bar (car (copy-tree (list bar 'foo))))
   => #f

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