Communicating Threads for Java

A CSP library for Java

© Copyrights 2000 Gerald H. Hilderink

Package csp.lang

Interface Summary
CallChannelAccept EXPERIMENTAL The CallChannelAccept interface specifies the accept method that must be called by the server (callee) process when it wants to accept methods from a client (caller) process.
ChannelInput The ChannelInput interface specifies the root interface type for all channel input interfaces.
ChannelInput_of_Any The ChannelInput_of_Any interface specifies the read method for synchronizing on events by reading on Channel_of_Any.
ChannelInput_of_Boolean The ChannelInput_of_Boolean interface specifies the read method for reading any Boolean objects from Channel_of_Boolean.
ChannelInput_of_Byte The ChannelInput_of_Byte interface specifies the read method for reading any Byte objects from Channel_of_Byte.
ChannelInput_of_Character The ChannelInput_of_Character interface specifies the read method for reading any Character objects from Channel_of_Character.
ChannelInput_of_Double The ChannelInput_of_Double interface specifies the read method for reading any Double objects from Channel_of_Double.
ChannelInput_of_Float The ChannelInput_of_Float interface specifies the read method for reading any Float objects from Channel_of_Float.
ChannelInput_of_Integer The ChannelInput_of_Integer interface specifies the read method for reading any Integer objects from Channel_of_Integer.
ChannelInput_of_Long The ChannelInput_of_Long interface specifies the read method for reading any Long objects from Channel_of_Long.
ChannelInput_of_Object The ChannelInput_of_Object interface specifies the read method for reading any objects from Channel_of_Object.
ChannelInput_of_Proxy Deprecated. The name Proxy is not the best choice.
ChannelInput_of_Reference The ChannelInput_of_Reference interface specifies the read method for reading any references of objects from Channel_of_Reference.
ChannelInput_of_Short The ChannelInput_of_Short interface specifies the read method for reading any Short objects from Channel_of_Short.
ChannelInputOutput_of_ObjectObject The ChannelInputOutput_of_ObjectObject interface specifies the read-write method for reading and writing any objects in one event from Channel_of_ObjectObject.
ChannelOutput The ChannelOutput interface specifies the root interface type for all channel output interfaces.
ChannelOutput_of_Any The ChannelOutput_of_Any interface specifies the write method for synchronizing on events by writing on Channel_of_Any.
ChannelOutput_of_Boolean The ChannelOutput_of_Boolean interface specifies the write method for writing any Boolean objects on Channel_of_Boolean.
ChannelOutput_of_Byte The ChannelOutput_of_Byte interface specifies the write method for writing any Byte objects on Channel_of_Byte.
ChannelOutput_of_Character The ChannelOutput_of_Character interface specifies the write method for writing any Character objects on Channel_of_Character.
ChannelOutput_of_Double The ChannelOutput_of_Double interface specifies the write method for writing any Double objects on Channel_of_Double.
ChannelOutput_of_Float The ChannelOutput_of_Float interface specifies the write method for writing any Float objects on Channel_of_Float.
ChannelOutput_of_Integer The ChannelOutput_of_Integer interface specifies the write method for writing any Integer objects on Channel_of_Integer.
ChannelOutput_of_Long The ChannelOutput_of_Long interface specifies the write method for writing any Long objects on Channel_of_Long.
ChannelOutput_of_Object The ChannelOutput_of_Object interface specifies the write method for writing any objects on Channel_of_Object.
ChannelOutput_of_Proxy Deprecated. The name Proxy is not the best choice.
ChannelOutput_of_Reference The ChannelOutput_of_Reference interface specifies the write method for writing any references of objects on Channel_of_Reference.
ChannelOutput_of_Short The ChannelOutput_of_Short interface specifies the write method for writing any Short objects on Channel_of_Short.
ChannelOutputInput_of_ObjectObject The ChannelOutputInput_of_ObjectObject interface specifies the write-read method for writing and reading any objects in one event on Channel_of_ObjectObject.
Process Specifies the object to be a CSP process.

Class Summary
Alternative The Alternative process performs a choice construct on channel communication.
Boolean The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object.
Byte The Byte class is the standard wrapper for byte values.
CallChannel EXPERIMENTAL The CallChannel class.
Channel The Channel abstract class.
Channel_of_Any The Channel_of_Object class provides a communication channel for passing any objects between processes.
Channel_of_Boolean The Channel_of_Boolan class provides a communication channel for passing any Boolean objects between processes.
Channel_of_Byte The Channel_of_Byte class provides a communication channel for passing any Byte objects between processes.
Channel_of_Character The Channel_of_Character class provides a communication channel for passing any Character objects between processes.
Channel_of_Double The Channel_of_Double class provides a communication channel for passing any Double objects between processes.
Channel_of_Float The Channel_of_Float class provides a communication channel for passing any Float objects between processes.
Channel_of_Integer The Channel_of_Integer class provides a communication channel for passing any Integer objects between processes.
Channel_of_Long The Channel_of_Long class provides a communication channel for passing any Long objects between processes.
Channel_of_Object The Channel_of_Object class provides a communication channel for passing any objects between processes.
Channel_of_ObjectObject EXPERIMENTAL
Channel_of_Proxy Deprecated. The name Proxy is not the best choice.
Channel_of_Reference The Channel_of_Reference class provides a communication channel for passing references of objects between processes.
Channel_of_Short The Channel_of_Short class provides a communication channel for passing any Short objects between processes.
Character The Character class wraps a value of the primitive type char in an object.
Double The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object.
Float The Float class wraps a value of primitive type float in an object.
Guard Guard objects are part of the Alternative composition construct.
Integer The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object.
LinkDriver A link driver determines the actual way of communication and its subclass is the only hardware dependent part of the csp package.
Long The Long class wraps a value of the primitive type long in an object.
Parallel Parallel composition class starts processes in parallel.
PriAlternative The PriAlternative process performs a priority based choice construct on channel communication.
PriParallel The PriParallel composition construct starts processes in parallel with decrementing priorities.
Proxy Deprecated. The name Proxy is not the best choice.
Reference The Reference object is a wrapper object that holds a public Object variable object to store the reference to an object and a public int tag variable of store the message type.
Sequential Sequential composition process performs execution of processes in sequence.
Short The Short class is the standard wrapper for short values.
Skip A SKIP process is a process that does nothing but successfully terminates.
Stop A STOP process is a process that does nothing, never communicates and never terminates (ungraceful halting).
Thread The parallel and priparallel constructs behave according to the CSP specification.
Timeout A Timeout class defines a timeout-guard that is the similar as the Guard(.., long time, ..) guards.
TimeSlicer This class is optional and can be used to timeslice between processes of the same priority.
Version Print the version of the Communicating Threads for Java (CTJ) library.

Communicating Threads for Java

A CSP library for Java

© Copyrights 2000 Gerald H. Hilderink