Introduction to Artificial Inteligence

Quiz 2 - answers

Question 1:

    1.   (forall x) Pirate(x) =>  
            (exists y) Has_part(x, y) ^ Leg(y) ^ Material(y) = Wood

    2.   (forall x) (Material(x) = Wood) => Floats(x)

    3.   ~Floats(Joe) => Pirate(Joe)

    4.   (forall x) ((exists y) Has_part(x, y) ^ Floats(y) =>

    1.1   ~Pirate(?x) v Has_part(?x, Leg-of(?x))
    1.2   ~Pirate(?x) v Leg(Leg-of(?x))
    1.3   ~Pirate(?x) v Material(Leg-of(?x)) = Wood

    where Leg-of(.) is a skolem function with 1 argument.

    2.    ~(Material(?x) = Wood) v Floats(?x)

    3.    Floats(Joe) v Pirate(Joe)

    4.    ~Has_part(?x, ?y) v ~Floats(?y) v Floats(?x)

c)  We need to prove Floats(Joe), so we add its negation ~Floats(Joe) to
    the KB. It is already a (unit)  CNF clause.

d)  Resolve the above unit clause with 3, to get:
      5.   Pirate(Joe)
    Now, from 5 with 1.1,  and 1.3 unifier ?x=Joe, to get, respectively:
      6.1   Has_part(Joe, Leg-of(Joe))
      6.3   Material(Leg-of(Joe)) = Wood
    From 6.3 and 2, unifier ?x=Leg-of(Joe), we get:
      7.    Floats(Leg-of(Joe))
    From 7 and 4, unifier ?y=Leg-of(Joe), we get:
      8.    ~Has_part(?x, Leg-of(Joe)) v Floats(?x)
    the above means: "Anything that has Joe's leg floats".
    From 6.1 and 8, unifier ?x=Joe we get:
      9.    Floats(Joe)
    Resolving 8 with the goal unit clause results in the empty clause.

Question 2:

a)   Network is NOT a polytree, as A-B-D-C-A is a cycle in the underlying
     undirected graph. The smallest cluster resulting in a polytree is
     by making B and C into a single macro-node BC, resulting in (with
     arrows directed down and to the right):

               F  --- G
        A --- BC  --- D --- E

The rest pertains to the original network.

b)  B is independent of G, as it is d-separated from G with no evidence.
    There are only 2 simple unirected paths, both blocked, as follows:

     1)  B - A - C - F - G
     2)  B - D - C - F - G

    In the 1st path, C is a blocking node, as it is a converging node
    with no evidence at C or descendents (becasue there is no evidence at all).
    In the 2nd path, C is NOT a blocking node, but D is a blocking node,
    since it is a converging node and there is no evidence.

c) With evidence at D, both paths above become unblocked, and thus B becomes
   dependent of G given D.

d) To compute P(E | B, C, G) first observe that E is independent of G
   given {B, C}, since all undirected paths from G to E contain either B
   or C as a non-converging node that has evidence - thus blocking the path.
   So it is the same if we compute:
      P(E | B, C) = P(E, D | B,C) + P(E, ~D | B,C)
   (apply chain rule)
                  = P(E | D,B,C) P(D | B,C) + P(E | ~D,B,C)  P(~D | B,C)
   (E is d-separated from {B, C} given D, and plug in given probabilities)
		  = P(E | D) * 0.9 + P(E | ~D) * 0.1
                  = 0.9 * 0.9 + 0.5 * 0.1 = 0.86

e) A is d-separated from F with no evidence, as all paths must have either
   C or D as converging nodes in the path, and there is no evidence. Thus:
    P(A, ~F) = P(A) P(~F) = 0.8 * (1-0.1) = 0.72

Question 3:

a) False - finding optimal exact decision tree is NP-hard, independent of
           which algorithm we use!

b) False - backpropagation is a form of gradient descent, which may get stuck
           in local minima, thus fail to achieve 0 errors.

c) True - all is needed is a fitness measure, or even a live/die result
          or any other feedback from the world. No teacher necessary.

d) True - the forward chaining algorithm, adds consequences of new facts,
          as well as the facts asserted by the "user".