Research Summary
My research areas are computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning.
I'm particularly interested in problems and applications in unsupervised or semi-supervised settings.
Current research topics (with plenty of overlap)
- video analysis;
- image alignment;
- out-of-distribution/anomaly/fake detection;
- 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis;
- time-series analysis;
- geometry in deep learning;
- Bayesian nonparametric methods;
- deep clustering;
- generic (task-agnostic) improvements of deep learning.
Past research topics
- applications of statistics on Lie groups and/or Riemannian manifolds;
- 3D scene analysis;
- representations and statistical models of articulated pose and/or non-rigid human shape;
- applications of computer-vision techniques
(pose estimation, video tracking) for neuroscience;
- statistical methods for Brain MRI segmentation.