- CPU- and GPU-based Distributed Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixtures for Large-scale Analysis.
arXiv, 2022.
Or Dinari*, Raz Zamir*, John Fisher III, and Oren Freifeld.
("*" indicates both these authors contributed equally)
[ PDF ]
[ Code:
Peer-Reviewed Publications
SpaceJAM: a Lightweight and Regularization-free Method for Fast Joint Alignment of Images.
ECCV 2024
Nir Barel*, Ron Shapira Weber*, Nir Mualem, Shahaf Finder, and Oren Freifeld
Wavelet Convolutions for Large Receptive Fields,
ECCV 2024
Shahaf Finder, Roy Amoyal, Eran Treister, and Oren Freifeld
Trainable Highly-expressive Activation Functions,
ECCV 2024
Irit Chelly*, Shahaf Finder*, Shira Ifergane, and Oren Freifeld
- From ViT Features to Training-free Video Object Segmentation via Streaming-data Mixture Models,
NeurIPS 2023.
Roy Uziel, Or Dinari, and Oren Freifeld
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code ]
- Regularization-free Diffeomorphic Temporal Alignment Nets, ICML 2023.
Ron Shapira-Weber and Oren Freifeld
[ PDF (paper + Supplemental Material) ]
[ Code ]
- A Deep Moving-camera Background Model, ECCV 2022.
Guy Erez, Ron Shapira-Weber, and Oren Freifeld
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code ]
- Revisiting DP-Means: Fast Scalable Algorithms via Parallelism and Delayed Cluster Creation.
UAI 2022.
Or Dinari and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Code ].
- Variational- and Metric-based Deep Latent Space for Out-of-Distribution Detection.
UAI 2022.
Or Dinari and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Code ].
- DeepDPM: Deep Clustering With an Unknown Number of Clusters.
CVPR 2022.
Meitar Ronen, Shahaf Finder, and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF (Paper +Supplemental Material) ]
[ Code ]
- Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data.
Or Dinari and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF (Paper +Supplemental Material) ]
[ Code (Julia) ]
[ [Code (Python) ]
[ DataSets]
[ Example Notebook (Julia) ]
[ Example Notebook (Python): Coming Soon ]
- Common Failure Modes of Subcluster-based Sampling in Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mixture Models and a Deep-learning Solution.
Vlad Winter*, Or Dinari* and Oren Freifeld.
("*" indicates both these authors contributed equally)
[ PDF (Paper +Supplemental Material) ]
[ Code ]
- Effective Learning of a GMRF Mixture Model.
Accepted to IEEE Access, 2022.
Shahaf Finder, Eran Treister, and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Code ]
- Cyclic Diffeomorphic Transformer Nets for Contour Alignment.
ICIP 2021.
Ilya Kaufman, Ron Shapira Weber, and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Code ]
- Scalable and Flexible Clustering of Grouped Data via Parallel and Distributed Sampling in Versatile Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes.
UAI 2020.
Or Dinari and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code (Julia) ]
[ Code (Python) ]
- JA-POLS: a Moving-camera Background Model via
Joint Alignment and Partially-overlapping Local Subspaces.
CVPR 2020.
Irit Chelly, Vlad Winter, Dor Litvak, David Rosen, and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Videos (example results) ]
[ Code ]
- Diffeomorphic Temporal Alignment Nets.
NeurIPS 2019.
Ron Shapira Weber, Matan Eyal, Nicki Skafte Detlefsen, Oren Shriki, and Oren Freifeld.
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code ]
- Bayesian Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation.
ICCV 2019.
Roy Uziel, Meitar Ronen, and Oren Freifeld
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code ]
- Distributed MCMC Inference in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models Using Julia.
HPML Workshop, 2019.
Best Paper Award.
Dinari, O.*, Yu, A.*, Freifeld, O., and Fisher III J. ("*" indicates both these authors contributed equally)
[ PDF ]
[ Code (Julia) ]
[ Code (Python) ]
- Deep Diffeomorphic Transformer Networks. CVPR 2018.
Skafte Detlefsen, N., Freifeld, O., and Hauberg, S.
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Nicki Skafte Deftelsen's derivation of the matrix exponentials:
- The Manhattan Frame Model -- Manhattan World Inference in the Space of Surface Normals.
Straub, J., Freifeld, O., Rosman, G., Leonard, J., and Fisher III J.
[ PDF ]
- Transformations Based on Continuous Piecewise-Affine Velocity Fields.
Freifeld, O., Hauberg, S., Batmanghelich, K. and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Technical Report: Deriving the CPAB Derivative
(also includes fixing a small mistake in Eq 24 from the PAMI paper) ]
- Dreaming More Data: Class-dependent Distributions over Diffeomorphisms for Learned Data Augmentation.
AISTATS 2016. Accepted as Oral
Hauberg, S., Freifeld, O., Larsen, A.B.L., Fisher III, J., and Hansen, L.K.
[ PDF ]
[ Video ]
[ Datasets (AlignMNIST and AlignMNIST500) ]
Highly-Expressive Spaces of Well-Behaved Transformations: Keeping It Simple. ICCV 2015.
Freifeld, O., Hauberg, S., Batmanghelich, K. and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Poster ]
[ Code 1: uses GPU; requires an NVIDIA card; written in Python+CUDA ]
[ Code 2: CPU-only; partial implementation; written in Julia ]
[ Video 1: Conditional warp ]
[ Video 2: spotlight ]
A Fast Method for Inferring High-Quality Simply-Connected Superpixels. ICIP 2015. Accepted as Oral. Recognized as one of the "Top 10% ICIP 2015 papers".
Freifeld, O., Li, Y. and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Slides ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Code: CUDA + Python/C++/Matlab
wrappers ]
[ Remarks about the
initialization+benchmarks ]
For additional examples in higher resolution than those in the paper:
[ original (~38MB) ]
[ slightly compressed (~5MB) ]
A Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Spherical Data. AISTATS 2015. Accepted as Oral.
Straub, J., Chang, J., Freifeld, O., and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Code ]
A Mixture of Manhattan Frames: Beyond the Manhattan World. CVPR 2014. Accepted as Oral.
Straub, J., Rosman, G., Freifeld, O., Leonard, J. and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Video ]
[ Code ]
After the exposure it received in
MIT News,
this project was also covered by many technology/robotics websites
Aerial Reconstructions via Probabilistic Data Fusion. CVPR 2014
Cabezas R., Freifeld, O., Rosman G. and Fisher III, J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Video ]
[ Code ]
[ A 3D result reviewer ]
Model Transport: Towards Scalable Transfer Learning on Manifolds. CVPR 2014
Freifeld, O., Hauberg, S. and Black, M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Video ]
[ Remark about the data ]
A freely-moving monkey treadmill model.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2014.
Foster, J.D., Nuyujukian, P., Freifeld, O., Gao, Walker, Ryu, S., Meng, T., Murmann, Black, M.J.,
Shenoy, K.V.
[ PDF (coming up soon) ]
[ Project webpage at MPI-IS-PS ]
[ Shenoy's group at Stanford EE ]
A Geometric take on Metric Learning. NIPS 2012
Hauberg, S., Freifeld, O. and Black, M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Video ]
[ Code
Lie Bodies: A Manifold Representation of 3D Human Shape. ECCV 2012.
Freifeld, O. and Black, M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Supplemental Material ]
[ Poster ]
[ Video 1]
[ Video 2 (~40 MB) ]
[ Code ]
[ Remark about the data ]
From pictorial structures to deformable structures.
CVPR 2012.
Zuffi, S., Freifeld O. and Black M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Project Webpage ]
[ Code ]
A framework for relating neural activity to freely moving behavior.
Accepted as Oral.
Foster, J.D., Nuyujukian, P., Freifeld, O., Ryu, S., Black, M.J. and Shenoy, K.V.
[ BibTex ]
Combining wireless neural recording and video capture for the analysis of natural gait.
IEEE-NER 2011.
Accepted as Oral.
Foster, J., Freifeld, O., Nuyujukian, P., Ryu, S., Black, M.J. and Shenoy, K.V.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
A 2D human body model dressed in eigen clothing.
ECCV 2010.
Guan, P., Freifeld, O. and Black, M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Data ]
Contour people: A parameterized model of 2D articulated human shape.
CVPR 2010. Accepted as Oral.
Freifeld O., Weiss, A., Zuffi, S. and Black, M.J.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Slides ]
[ Talk's Video ]
Multiple Sclerosis lesion detection using constrained
GMM and curve evolution.
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2009.
Freifeld, O., Greenspan, H. and Goldberger, J.
[ PDF ]
Lesion detection in noisy MR brain images using constrained GMM and active contours.
Accepted as Oral.
Freifeld, O., Greenspan, H. and Goldberger, J.
[ PDF ]
[ Slides ]
- Statistics on Manifolds with Applications to Modeling Shape Deformations.
PhD Thesis, Brown University, August 2013.
Freifeld, O.
[ PDF ]
[ BibTex ]
[ Eratta ]
MR Brain Image Analysis: Healthy Tissue Segmentation and Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection Using Constrained GMM and Curve Evolution.
MSc Thesis, Tel-Aviv University, July 2007.
Freifeld, O.