Sample Projects - 1997


Scidel - Image Understanding

An image of an area is given, and it is required to define the locations of the area and of the photographing camera within some pre-defined scene, as well as the camera parameters. The method of solution is as follows. Details of the scene are extracted from a sequence of its images and fed into a data base. The recognition system tries to identify the details in the image and to obtain equations comprising parameters of the camera and of the found details. The solution of the equations provides the required data. The problem is generalized for sequences of images.

BEZEQ - Network Planning

A telephone network is given with specified flows between each pair of nodes. The problem is to efficiently cover the network by a set of rings with specific properties, so that all flows are transferred through the rings without exceeding their capacities. Criteria for efficiency are: equipment cost and flexibility, namely the maximal ratio of the flow in a ring and its capacity. A planning tool was constructed which allows the user to define and edit a network with its pertinent data and obtain efficient sets of rings and optimal sets of paths and flows.

IPTC - Image Enhancement

An algorithm for image enhancement has been developed which considerably improves the visual quality of video images. The algorithm combines an adaptive brightness processing of obscure areas in the image and a sharpening filtration procedure. The enhancement algorithm contains a mollifying (regularization) component, in order to weaken the differentiation artifacts that are typical for sharpening filters.

Israel Electric Corporation - Smokestack Analysis

A smokestack of an electric power station usually emits droplets containing toxic materials generated during combustion. The droplets formed inside the stack result from complex hydrodynamic and thermal processes, such as condensation on the stack wall and in the flow, deposition and flow separation. The Israel Electric Corporation needed to specify requirements to prospective stack constructors towards the construction of a new power station. The project has provided adequate description of the main processes with their possible scenarios, determined the basic factors responsible for them and formulated the appropriate requirements. The following phase will include expert evaluation and analysis of proposals put forward by the firms bidding for the contract.

 TAAS - Maneuvering Projectile

Differential equations have been derived and a program has been written to simulate the motion of a Maneuvering Projectile in a vertical plane with account for nonlinearities in aerodynamic forces. Numerical analysis has been carried out of the motion with a given control. The effect of the control parameters on the rocket's eigenfrequencies has been studied numerically aiming at evaluating the effect of measurement errors on final deviation.

Magnet - Straight Lines Detection in Digital Pictures

Our contribution to the well-known problem of straight lines recognition is the development of two new methods accommodating noisy distorted images and weakly curved lines: (1) the weighted Hough transform - a more robust version of Hough's known method, and (2) the method of slide correlation, based on the invariance of a straight line with respect to translations parallel to it. Both methods have been implemented in a two-stage algorithm for line recognition. At the initial stages the image is subdivided into cells in which local line segments are found. These are subsequently linked into global lines.

Magnet - Numeric Aesthetic Criteria for Image Processing

While most aesthetic properties may be studied only by highly skilled specialists or artists, some basic aesthetic features may be expressed in mathematical form. Computer evaluation of image aesthetic quality is especially important for automatic page layout practiced in multimedia and publishing process, for at the present time only user evaluation is available. Such basic aesthetic criteria were worked out to evaluate numerically the color distribution quality of any image. These criteria realize in a simple mathematical form some well known traditional composition laws (color balance).

Idanit - Bending problem.

When printing large high quality posters (1.6 x 2.5 m) by means of a printer with more than hundred printing heads a characteristic problem is encountered: bright strips emerge in the printing direction. This phenomenon is called “bending”. These strips are especially visible on poster regions with constant color. The problem is to change the command to the printer in order to avoid the bending strips. In other words any image sent to printer by computer has to be distorted in such a way that the given non-ideal printer will produce the original not-distorted image. A systematic mathematical study of input-output relations was carried out using harmonic analysis and fast Fourier transform. A significant improvement of the printer performance was attained.

MOST - High-Speed Penetration into Composite Targets

A thermoplastic-jet model of penetration has been developed, taking into account the resistance of projectile and target materials to deformations occurring during the penetration process. The model determines all significant parameters of penetration, including the crater dimensions.

MOST - Flapping Waves

A flexible multi-ply plate under a concentrated impact exhibits elastic and failure waves. A model for these phenomena has been developed and the influence of parameters of the composite on the stopping power has been determined. The dynamics and fracture of a viscoelastic discrete lattice have been analytically and numerically investigated.

MOST - Ultrasonic Welding

A model has been constructed to study the weld process and to assess the weld strength as a function of the material and of the structural parameters of the welding device. A series of mathematical models has been developed to analyze the influence of viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity of welded materials on the properties of joints. In particular, the effects of the cooling program and material aging have been studied both analytically and numerically. The results of the numerical simulation have been compared with available experimental data and good correspondence was found.
 MOST - Vortex Chambers

Design work is under way to develop a compact cyclone for air purification with enhanced efficiency relative to existing cyclones. In order to raise the quality of purification and to achieve separation of small-size particles (down to several mm) an original scheme has been proposed for moistening the air flow, which is effectively achieved by the injection of water. The proposed method of air moistening is theoretically studied and the hydrodynamic conditions are determined providing for its optimal effectiveness. The effect of deflection from coaxiality of the cyclone outlet nozzle on the degree of purification and on the cyclone efficiency is theoretically evaluated. Design specifications have been worked out for a test device for air moistening according to the proposed scheme, and a sample device has been manufactured. Vortex chambers of two different designs are also considered theoretically and numerically - with inserted perforated and non-perforated tubes for particle separation. Solution stability and quasi-steady-state solutions are studied for an equation system describing the motion of dust particles in vortex chambers.

Israel Train - Railroad Transportation

The Israeli railroads company needs a planning tool to schedule the transportation of empty freight cars so as to enable the daily realization of freight transportation plans. Three problems have been investigated: (1) an algorithm to select which transportation orders to satisfy from among the incoming stream considering the expected revenue and some administrative constraints; (2) application of the transportation problem with restrictions to determine the number of cars to be transported from points where they are found in the evening to points where they are needed next morning; (3) a combination of optimization and heuristic methods to plan the transportation by existing trains. An appropriate scheme for data collection and instruction distribution has been designed.

Pelephone - Fraud Evaluation and Detection

Pelephone company faces extensive fraud activity in various aspects, one of which is cloning of cellular handsets. A comprehensive concept for an anti-fraud system has been designed and several basic algorithms have been constructed and implemented in the company’s information systems. The set includes an advanced algorithm for detecting and evaluating the full extent of events of overlapping calls, statistical algorithms to assess the number of cloning devices from the behavior of traffic, a sophisticated algorithm to detect pairs of calls which are inconsistent by space-time considerations, methods for on-line data collection for the algorithms. Some new and surprising loss estimates have been performed.