Call for Papers
Entrepreneurship Pitch Deadline extended to 27 June, 2017 23:59 anywhere on Earth
PhD Student Research Deadline extended to 27 June, 2017 23:59 anywhere on Earth
All Entrepreneurship Pitches should be submitted via Easy Chair
or sent to fradmin 'at' cs.bgu.ac.il.
The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation,
or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope.
The Symposium will have two tracks, Academic research and Entrepreneurship tracks.
The academic research track is for new and original research results. While entrepreneurs are invited to submit a
presentation of a short pitch which will be presented in front of VC's and industry representatives. An entrepreneurship pitch submission must not exceed 6 pages Powerpoint
or PDF abstract.The authors of the entrepreneurship pitch track please note that the submissions will not be NDA protected.
In addition, there is an opportunity for students to submit their work. This offers an opportunity to present their work in progress and
to solicit comments from their peers, academicians, and industry experts.
Proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Please make sure to fill out and send to fradmin 'at' cs.bgu.ac.il the LNCS Consent to Publish form. The form has to be signed by the authors of each paper, at least by the corresponding author.
Only authors employed by the EU (as an institution) should tick that particular box. If you work in a country in the European Union, you do NOT have to tick that box.
Equally, the box for US Government employees should only be ticked by US Government employees.
To download the LNCS Consent to Publish form, please click here.
Call for Papers