Quizz 09: Syntactic Parsing

Name: _________________________________________________________

This quizz covers material from the ninth lecture on Syntactic Parsing.
  1. Give an example demonstrating human speakers share a sense of syntactic structure as a hierarchical set of relations among words within sentence that contradicts a purely sequential account of sentences.

  2. Show the dependency parse tree of the following English sentence (without labels on the edges):
    The little girl reads a book about NLP.

  3. Show the constituency structure of the same sentence - where the pre-terminals (part of speech categories) are Det, Adj, N, V, Prep and the non-terminal categories are NP (noun phrase), VP (verb phrase), PP (prepositional phrase) and S (sentence).

  4. Provide the formal definition of a CFG:

    A CFG is defined by a 4-tuple (NT, T, S, R) where:

  5. When generating random sequences according to a CFG, what are the 2 primitive computational operations that must be used to implement the semantics of the CFG?

  6. What are the possible forms of rules for a CFG in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)?

  7. What is the complexity of parsing a sentence of n words according to a CFG grammar in CNF using the CKY algorithm?

Last modified 12 Jan 2020