Quizz 01: General Intro to NLP

This quizz covers material from the first lecture of the NLP 19 course.
  1. Distinguish between the Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics approaches to the field of computer-aided study of human languages.

  2. List five properties of natural language which make computational processing of natural language difficult.

  3. Define what is a "sign" according to the technical semiotic definition.

  4. Consider the various definitions of the linguistic unit called "word": orthographic (sequence of letters separated by delimiters); semantic (an independent unit of meaning); dictionary (a unit which is listed in the lexicon of the language). For each of the following cases, indicate whether the classification of the string between brackets as a single word according to the [O]rthographic, [S]emantic [D]ictionary sense:

    It [isn't] too late

    [Bob's] hat is yellow

    [Come on]

    Let's have a [follow-up] call tomorrow

    [New York City] counts five boroughs

    [Two hundred and fifty five] students attended the event

  5. How many distinct words are there in Hebrew? Describe a computational procedure to estimate this number. List parameters which can make the question more precise.

  6. The "Open Information Extraction" tool at AllenAI returns incorrect answers for this query: who governs the United States. For each of the following sentence that was matched by this query, explain what is the source of the mistake: Lexical knowledge, Syntax, Semantics.

    Answer: AFRICA / We Africans are happy, proud that a son of Africa governs the United States of America

    Answer: LAW / The House of Representatives drafts and passes laws that, when signed by the president, govern the Unites States and its citizens.

    Answer: THE SITE / All matters relating to the site are governed by United States Law.

Last modified 21 Oct 2018