Quizz 04: Deep Learning Intro

This quizz covers material from the fourth lecture (second section from Loss Functions).
  1. Given a training dataset (x,y), we want to identify a function fΘ() such that the predictions ŷ = fΘ(x) over the training dataset are as accurate as possible, and a Loss Function L(y,ŷ) - write the criterion that the optimal value of Θ must satisfy:

    Find θ such that:

  2. Write the expression of the cross-entropy loss which is useful when the predicted output of the model we learn is interpreted as a discrete distribution p(yc|x) for c ∈ [1..C] (C-way classification model). f(x) = ŷ = (ŷ1 ... ŷC) is a distribution over the C possible classes.

    L(ŷ,y) =

  3. The deep learning approach learns a trainable non-linear mapping function φ from x to a representation φ(x) which can be used as an input to a linearly separable classification problem. The general form of this trainable mapping we consider is: ŷ = W φ(x) + b φ(x) = g(W'x + b') where g is a non-linear function. Why do we need non-linear mappings?

  4. Consider the case of sentiment analysis on input text documents di = {wij} - where we want to classify the sentiment expressed by the document as either positive, neutral or negative. Write the general form of a classifier deep learning model, which takes as input one-hot encodings of the words - vi.

  5. Define the notion of computational graph as used in Deep Learning libraries such as DyNet, PyTorch or Tensorflow.

Last modified 26 Nov 2017