Quizz 03: Machine Learning

This quizz covers material from the third lecture:
  1. Define what are problems of regression and classification

  2. Write the general formulation of a classification problem over the family of linear functions given a dataset (x,y) and feature functions fi, i ∈ (1...F)

  3. Explain the usage of the softmax function when interpreting the output of a linear model for classification.

  4. Define the Bag of Words encoding of textual documents - given documents Di of length leni and words wj ∈ W.

  5. List two weaknesses of the Bag of Words encoding of documents.

  6. What is the perplexity of the experiment that consists of throwing a cube with 16 sides with uniform probability in bits (in bits means that we use log2 in the formula of the perplexity).

Last modified 19 Nov 2017