Advanced Syntactic Issues

Quantification / Scope

Every man loves a woman Two possible interpretations:
(i) For all x, man(x) ==> exits(y), woman(y) and love(x, y) 
(ii) Exist y, woman(y) and for all x, man(x) ==> love(x, y) 
The difference between these 2 interpretations comes from the relative scoping of the quantifiers (introduced by the determiner every and a). A simple compositional interpretation approach fails to capture this systematic ambiguity in quantifier scope. Cooper proposed a mechanism known as Cooper Quantifier Storage to allow a compositional treatment of quantifier scope ambiguity. (See Cooper, R., Quantification and Syntactic Theory, 1983, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands.)

Long Distance Dependency

Consider the examples: The sign _ indicates a gap in the embedded syntactic constituent (the relative clause) which is filled by another NP from the containing constituent (the head of the NP).

Such structures can be recursively embedded - but there exist syntactic constraints on the location of gaps:


Not all scoping combinations are possible for a given syntactic construct. Consider the example:

(1) * A woman who saw every man disliked him.

(1) is not syntactically correct, while the following examples do have a possible interpretation:

(2) Every man saw a friend of his.
(3) Every admirer of a picture of himself is vain.
(4) Every man who owns a donkey beats him.

See Categorial Semantics and Scoping, F.C.N. Pereira, Computational Linguistics, 6:1, 1990.

The accessibility of certain NPs as arguments in various syntactic locations is determined by properties of the NP (whether it is a pronoun, reflexive, proper name, definite or indefinite reference) and of the syntactic context. Similar constraints also explain different scoping possibilities.

Binding and Control

;;              binding
;;             /      \
;;      referential expletive
;;         /   \         /   \
;;      npro   pro      it   there
;;            /   \
;;          ppro  anaphor
;;                /   \
;;         reflexive   reciprocal

Last modified Apr 3rd, 2006