Natural Language Generation (201-1-2971-1)
Notes Week 7 - Spring 1997 - Michael Elhadad
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Using a planner for content selection

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%      Extracts from the book "Natural Language Processing in LISP"     %
%                      published by Addison Wesley                      %
%        Copyright (c) 1989, Gerald Gazdar & Christopher Mellish.       %
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lib plan implements a simple planner that can develop plans such as these two examples. Operators are represented in LISP as lists with four elements, the name of the operator, the can_do preconditions, the want preconditions and the effects. All of these but the first are lists of propositions, so that we can express multiple preconditions and effects. Here is our request operator in this notation:
      ((request _speaker _addressee _act)
       ((can_do _addressee _act) (channel _speaker _addressee))
       ((want _speaker (request _speaker _addressee _act)))
       ((believe _addressee (want _speaker _act))))
The program assumes that the global variable operators holds the list of all the operators that it can use in forming plans, and it assumes that the initial state of the world is represented in infrules, as required for lib bckinfer. Although the planner plays the part of a particular agent in building the plan and therefore reasons within the beliefs of that agent, for convenience we will express the world model in an impartial way, with all belief contexts explicitly spelled out. Moreover, in presenting goals to the planner, we will omit the '(believe agent ...)' that should surround each one. Of course, if the goals involve predicates about which there is universal knowledge, then there is no distinction anyway. So here is an example of lib plan being used. The function plan returns a list of action names, representing the sequence of actions that should be performed (in the order given) to achieve the goal.
    (setq infrules
     '(((channel sue alan))
       ((at alan inside))
       ((at sue inside))
       ((believe sue (wants alan (move sue inside outside))))))
    (plan 'sue '((at alan outside)))

Planning involves search, and the program uses the same technique as the simple recognizers of Chapter 5 to implement a depth-first search. That is, the top function plan calls another function, called plan_next, which, through its arguments, is given a complete description of a state in the planning process. Corresponding to each way of extending this state to a state that may be closer to a complete plan, plan_next calls itself recursively with the arguments expressing the new state. Thus, as with the recognizers, the search tree is echoed precisely in the calling tree of the program. A state of the planning process is represented by five different values:
  1. agent - the agent who is doing the planning.
  2. goals - the list of goals that still need to be made true (expressed without an explicit (believe agent...)).
  3. actions - the list of actions that are planned to be executed, once the current goals have been made true.
  4. currentsubst - a substitution that expresses extra information about actions and goals, which has been obtained since they were originally formulated.
  5. depth, which we will discuss below.
If plan_next is ever called with goals as an empty list, then the planning is terminated and the list of actions accumulated at this point is returned as the plan. Otherwise, plan_next takes the first element of goals, goal, to work on. The first main possibility to investigate is whether goal is already true. Try_already_true is responsible for attempting to infer that the goal is already true and continuing planning from there if so. The other main possibility is that some action is necessary to make goal true. Try_to_make_true is responsible for finding an action that would make the goal true and then planning for the preconditions of that action to be true:
    (defun plan_next (agent goals actions currentsubst depth maxdepth)
      (if (null goals)
        (throw 'plan (apply_subst currentsubst actions))
        (if (> depth maxdepth)
          (let ((goal (apply_subst currentsubst (car goals))) (othergoals (cdr goals)))
                  (try_planners_own agent goal othergoals actions
                    currentsubst depth maxdepth)
                  (try_already_true agent goal othergoals actions
                    currentsubst depth maxdepth)
                  (try_to_make_true agent goal othergoals actions
                    currentsubst depth maxdepth))))))))
Since we are planning from the point of view of a particular agent, to see whether a goal is already true we actually need to test whether the agent believes that it is true, unless the goal involves a predicate that is universally known. For each possible way that a true instance of the goal can be found, plan_next is called recursively with the rest of the goals and with a substitution that reflects any extra information obtained through finding the goal in the world model:
    (defun try_already_true (agent goal goals actions currentsubst depth maxdepth)
      (let ((dbgoal
           (if (member (car goal) universal_knowledge)
             (list 'believe agent goal))))
        (dolist (subst (back_infer dbgoal))
          (plan_next agent goals actions
            (compose_substs subst currentsubst) depth maxdepth))))
Finally, try_to_make_true looks for an operator that could achieve the goal by one of its effects effect. For each such operator, it tries planning to achieve the preconditions (can_dos and wants), again giving the recursive call to plan_next an augmented substitution which reflects the information obtained by matching goal with effect.
    (defun try_to_make_true (agent goal goals actions currentsubst depth maxdepth)
      (dolist (operator operators)
        (let ((o (rename operator)))
          (dolist (e (cadddr o)) ; the effects of the operator
            (let ((subst (termunify goal e)))
              (if subst
                (plan_next agent (append (cadr o) (caddr o))
                  (cons (car o) actions)
                  (compose_substs subst currentsubst)
                  (1+ depth) maxdepth)))))))
Depth-first search is actually a bad search strategy for planning, because there are usually infinitely many ways of achieving a given goal and arbitrarily long plans to investigate. For instance, if Sue wants Alan to move out of the room, she could simply make a request, go out of the room and make the request, go out of the room, come back into the room and make the request, and so on. Depth-first search is unlikely to find the best plan, which is probably the shortest plan, and is liable to get into infinite loops trying to generate longer and longer plans. Because of this problem, the plan program uses a modified depth-first strategy as follows. Each time plan_next is called, a depth argument records how many actions are already in the actions list. Another argument maxdepth imposes a limit on how many actions are allowed in a plan, and any call to plan_next which has a depth value already greater than this automatically returns without any solutions. The top level function plan first of all calls plan_next with maxdepth equal to 0, then with maxdepth equal to 1, then with maxdepth equal to 2, and so on, until a solution is found. Although this approach, known as iterative deepening, involves a lot of duplicated work, it does ensure that the program finds a shortest plan and does not get into infinite loops.

Although we have now covered the main part of the program, the program also deals with various special cases. For instance, in order to achieve (can_do ), it looks up the can_do preconditions for and tries to achieve these. The planner also knows explicitly about the predicates about which there is universal knowledge.

The program implemented in lib plan is a restricted planner in the following way. It chains backwards from the desired goal to an action that will achieve that goal; then it looks for an unsatisfied precondition of that action and finds an action that will make that precondition true; then it looks for an unsatisfied precondition of that action; and so on, until an action is reached, all of whose preconditions are initially true. It then stops. At this point, the list of actions it has chained through gives a rough idea of a sequence of actions to be performed, but there is no guarantee that any but the first of these can actually be performed. It is quite possible, for instance, that a remaining unsatisfied precondition of one of the actions cannot be made true in any way. Or that for some reason one of the effects of carrying out one of the actions is to make one of the other actions impossible. The key feature of a planning system that this program lacks is the ability to reason properly about changes in the world that result from performing an action and how these interact with the preconditions and effects of other planned actions.

Last modified June 4th, 1997 Michael Elhadad