Advanced Methods in Programming Languages (201-2-4411-01)
HW Assignment 2 - Michael Elhadad

Interpreters -- Parameter Passing

Problems for Wed 28 Jan 98

NOTE: To load the code supporting define-record and variant-case in SCM, evaluate: (require 'struct).

NOTE: The code in interp.scm provides a working interpreters with all necessary code. You should only modify this code in your solution.

  1. Assignment without set!
  2. Parameter passing
  3. Interpreter in Java/C++/Delphi

Assignment without set!

(From textbook, 5.5.9 p.161) Our understanding of assignment as expressed in the interpreter in
interp.scm depends on the semantics of side-effects in Scheme. In particular, it depends on when these effects take place. If we could model assignment without using Scheme's side-effecting operations (set!), our understanding would not be dependent in this way.

We can do this by modeling the store not as a collection of cells but as a finite function. The domain of the finite function is some arbitrary set of addresses (say the nonnegative integers) thatr represents locations or cells, and its range is the set of expressed values.

Mutation of a location in the store is then modeled by extending this finite function to associate the location with the new value. This new association supersedes any earlier associations for the same cell.

In order for the new store to be used in subsequent evaluations, it is passed as an additional argument to all interpreter procedured that might need it (eval-exp, eval-rands, apply-proc etc). For example:

(define (eval-exp exp env store)
  (variant-case exp
    (varref (var) (apply-store store (apply-env env var)))
Every procedure that might modify the store will return not just its usual value but a pair consisting of the value and a new store. The trickiest interpreter procedure to modify is eval-rands. It can no longer just use map. Instead, it must evaluate the operands in some specific order, with the store resulting from each evaluation being used in the next evaluation. We can evaluate the operands from left to right and accumulate the partial answers in reverse order.
(define-record interp-result (value store))

(define (eval-rands rands env store)
  (letrec ((loop (lambda (rands ans store)
                   (if (null? rands)
                       (make-interp-result (reverse ans) store)
                       (let ((first-result (eval-exp (car rands) env store)))
                         (loop (cdr rands)
                               (cons (interp-result->value first-result) ans)
                               (interp-result->store first-result)))))))
    (loop rands '() store)))
Finish modifying the interpreter. Be sure to define the store ADT. Then rewrite eval-rands so that it does not use the accumulator variable ans.

Interpreter with call by value, by reference and by need

Write an interpreter that can pass parameters to procedures either by value, by reference or by need. We need to define special syntax in the definition of procedures to specify what type of parameter passing mechanism is to be used for each parameter (similar to the var specification in Pascal to specify parameters passed by reference). The following syntax is to be used to this end:
<exp>         ::= <varref>                  varref (var)
               |  <number>                  lit (datum)
               |  (if <exp> <exp> <exp>)    if (test-exp then-exp else-exp)
               |  (proc ({<par-decl>}*) <exp>)   proc (formals body)
               |  (<exp> {<exp>}*)          app (rator rands)
               |  (:= <var> <exp>)          varassign (var exp)
               |  (begin {<exp>}+)          begin (exps)
               |  (let <decls> <exp>)       let (decls body)
               |  (letrec <decls> <exp>)    letrec (decls body)
<decls>       ::= ({<decl>}*)
<decl>        ::= (<var> <exp>)             decl (var exp)
<par-decl>    ::= <var>                     val-param (var)
               | (:ref <var>)               ref-param (var)
               | (:need <var>)              need-param (var)
The following is an example of how a procedure can be defined and called:
(let ((a 1) (b 2))
    ((proc (x (:ref y) (:need z)) 
        (begin (:= x 1) (:= y 2) (:= z 3)))
     a b (+ a b))
    (write a b)))

For this language, we define the following value structure:
Expressed Value = Number + Procedure
L-value = Cell(Expressed Value)
Denoted value = Expressed Value + L-value + Memo
Memo = Cell(Thunk + L-value)
Thunk = () -> L-value
Implement the interpreter and write two programs in this language that demonstrate:
  1. the interaction of assignment and side effects and parameter passing mode
  2. the interaction of assignment and side effects and delayed computation

Interpreter in Java/C++/Delphi

The meta-language we use to describe languages influences our way of thinking about them. Just to get out of the Scheme mood imposed since the beginning of the semester, and to demonstrate the generality of the constructs studied so far, we will now construct the same interpreter as demonstrated in
interp.scm but using an Object-oriented language instead of Scheme. You can use Java (probably the easiest because it provides garbage collection), C++ or Delphi.

We are not interested in parsing issues, therefore we will only define constructors for expressions and use the following style to enter expressions to be evaluated (at compile-time only):

C++ example:

class Expression ....;
class VarrefExpression : Expression ....;
class LitExpression : Expression ...;


main() {
  LitExpression e1(1), e2(2);      // Expressions: 1, 2.
  AppExpression a1("+", e1, e2);   // Expression: (+ 1 2)
  AppExpression a2("*", a1, e2);   // Expression: (* (+ 1 2) 2)

  cout << e1.eval() << nl;
  cout << e2.eval() << nl;
  cout << a2.eval() << nl;
In your design, all instances of variant-case in the Scheme implementation will be replaced with virtual functions.
Last modified Jan 11th, 1998 Michael Elhadad