Advanced Methods in Programming Languages (201-2-4411-01)
HW Assignment 1 - Fall 1998 - Michael Elhadad

Syntactic Abstraction - Lambda Calculus

Problems for Tue 22/12/98

NOTE: The recommended platform to develop this assignment is SCM. There is a nicer more user-friendly implementation as DrScheme, but it requires more resources, and for this assignment, that does not seem necessary.
To load the code supporting define-record and variant-case in SCM, evaluate: (require 'struct).
In question 1, make sure you derive your function from the BNF specification of lists, s-lists and binary-search-trees. That is, use the BNF as a definition of the set of legal expressions that are lists, s-lists and binary-search-trees respectively. Your code must be "syntax-directed" in the sense that it can "walk down" any legal-expression of these types, as defined by the following BNFs:
<list>   ::= ({<expr>}*)

<s-list> ::= ({<s-expr>}*)
<s-expr> ::= <symbol> | <s-list>

<bin-search-tree> ::= () | (<number> <bin-search-tree> <bin-search-tree>)

Syntax of the Lambda Calculus

<exp>   ::= <varref>                        varref (var)
               |  <number>                  lit (datum)
               |  (if <exp> <exp> <exp>)    if (test-exp then-exp else-exp)
               |  (lambda ({<var>}*) <exp>) lambda (formals body)
               |  (<exp> {<exp>}*)          app (rator rands)
From the textbook:
  1. path, car-cdr, car-cdr2 (Exercise 2.2.9 - 1, 2, 3 p.55)
  2. lexical-address (Exercise 2.3.10 p.62 and 3.4.6 p.87)
  3. un-lexical-address (Exercise 2.3.13 p.63)
  4. rename (Exercise 2.3.14 p.65)
  5. alpha-convert (Exercise 2.3.15 p.65)
  6. substitute (Exercise 4.2.3 p.107)
  7. beta-reduce (Exercise 4.2.4 p.107)
  8. eta-reduce (Exercise 4.2.6 p.108)


(path n bin-search-tree) where n is a number and bin-search-tree is a binary search tree that contains the number n, returns a list of Ls and Rs showing how to find the node containing n. If n is found at the root, it returns the empty list.
> (path 17 '(14 (7 () (12 () ()))
	              (26 (20 (17 () ())
                (31 () ()))))
(R L L)


(car-cdr s slst errvalue) returns an expression that, when evaluated, produces the code for a procedure that takes a list with the same structure a slst and returns the value in the same position as the leftmost occurrence of s in slst. If s does not occur in slst, then errvalue is returned.
> (car-cdr 'a '(a b c) 'fail)
(lambda (slst) (car slst))
> (car-cdr 'c '(a b c) 'fail)
(lambda (slst) (car (cdr (cdr slst))))
> (car-cdr 'dog '(cat lion (fish dog) pig) 'fail)
(lambda (slst) (car (cdr (car (cdr (cdr slst))))))
> (car-cdr 'a '(b c) 'fail)


(car-cdr2 s slst errvalue) like car-cdr but generates procedure compositions.
> (car-cdr 'a '(a b c) 'fail)
> (car-cdr 'c '(a b c) 'fail)
(compose car (compose cdr cdr))
> (car-cdr 'dog '(cat lion (fish dog) pig) 'fail)
(compose car (compose cdr (compose car (compose cdr cdr))))
> (car-cdr 'a '(b c) 'fail)


(lexical-address exp) where pred is an unparsed lambda-calculus expression, returns the lambda expression with all varrefs replaced by their lexical address.


(un-lexical-address exp) does the inverse of the previous exercise.


(rename exp var1 var2) returns exp[var1/var2] if var1 does not occur free in exp and #f otherwise.


(alpha-convert e v) takes a lambda expression e of the form (lambda (var) exp) and a variable v and returns (lambda (v) exp[v/var]), or #f if v occurs free in exp.


(substitute e m x) return e[m/x]. Use gensym when alpha-conversion is required. (There is no search here, you can assume e is a beta-redex.)


(beta-reduce exp) return the beta-reduction of parsed exp.


(eta-reduce exp) return the eta-reduction of a parsed exp.
Last modified Dec 13th, 1998
Michael Elhadad