Professional Activities
Second Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems --- WSS95
The Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science --- Special Issue on Self-Stabilization
Invited Seminars:
University of Houston, host Prof. Farokh B. Bastani, February 1995.
University of Texas at Austin, host Prof. Mohamed Gouda, September 1994.
Carleton University, host Prof. Evangelos Kranakis, August 1994.
University of Chicago, host Prof. Janos Simon, March 1994.
University of California Los Angeles, host Prof. Eli Gafni, February 1994.
University of Chicago, host Prof. Janos Simon, August 1993.
Bell Core, host Dr. Brian Coan, August 1993.
IBM Watson, host Dr. Amir Herzberg, August 1993.
University of Nevada Las Vegas, host Prof. Ajoy Kumar Datta, June 1993.
University of Texas at Austin, host Prof. Mohamed Gouda, February 1993.
DEC Systems Research Center, host Dr. Leslie Lamport, August 1991.
AT&T Bell Labs, host Dr. Gadi Taubenfeld, August 1991.
IBM Almaden, host Dr. Yaron Wolfstahl, August 1990.
MIT, host Prof. Baruch Awerbuch, August 1990.
IBM Watson, host Dr. Shay Kutten, August 1990.
Teaching Activities:
Math. and Computer Science Department, Ben-Gurion Univ.:
Spring 1995, (12 undergradute), Distributed Algorithms.
Spring 1995, (30 gradute & Undergradute), Seminar.
Computer Science Department, Texas A&M Univ.:
Fall 1994, (50 undergraduate) Analysis of Algorithms.
Fall 1994, (20 undergraduate) Structured Programming in Pascal.
Fall 1993, (50 undergraduate) Structured Programming in Pascal.
Computer Science Department, Technion:
Summer 1992, (50 undergraduate) Logic Design laboratory.
Fall 1992, (50 undergraduate) Logic Design laboratory.
Winter 1991 (100 undergraduate) Logic Design course.
Summer 1991 (50 undergraduate) Logic Design laboratory.
Fall 1991 (50 undergraduate) Logic Design laboratory.
Distributed Computing,
Journal of Algorithms,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Information Processing Letters,
Theoretical Computer Science A.
Software Projects:
1985-1987: Software Engineer, Texel-Electronic Ltd, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Design and implementation of a software package that controls a water resources
system. The software package contains both radio and wired communication
between industrial controllers and master computer, as well as graphics