Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science - Autumn 2002/03



  • Exam grades of moed B are published here.

  • Solutions of exam moed B can be found here.

  • Studying the material of lectures in the course is obligatory, before the exam. Looking into several previous exams is recommended very much.

  • Solutions of exam moed A can be found here.

  • Daf nushaot can be found here, and exams of 2002 here, scanned.

    Previous exams scanned can be found at "Various materials", via the link at the bottom of this page.

  • Description of the algorithm for finding a minimal element w.r.t. a given partial order, see here.

  • Solution error for the problem "The same eye color for all students in the class", done by induction, can be found here, as a plain text.

  • Solution to the problem "All cases of the maximum number of Alg/Euclidus steps, when 40<=a<=45, 1<=b<=8" by case analysis, can be found here, as a plain text.

  • Come to me at my reception hours, not to Lior only. - Yefim Dinitz
  • The submission date for HW5 is before the excersise on Sunday 8.12 for physics and before the lecture on Thursday 5.12 for all the rest.

  • Solutions to problems 4,5,10, in home work 4, can be found here, as a plain text.

  • The material on Logics from Grimaldi is available scanned (see below).

  • On the students of the Humanities Faculty to submit all the problems in each home work, and to get the grade for all of them.
    On the stunents of the Natural Science Faculty to submit at least the problems and items whose numbers are not encircled by a square; thier grades will be given for these problems only.

  • On the students to look regularly at the announcements in this site.

  • Lecture notes in Combinatorics, the material on math. induction and integers, and an example of a problem solution (inclusion-exclusion) are available scanned (see below).

  • Put home works into the mail box ** 48 **, not 196.

  • In the HW3, the following numbers are as if encircled by a square: 7a, 9b,c.

  • Hours:

    Class: Excercises:


    Instructor: Prof. Yefim Dinitz
                Tel:  7-867
                Room: 302/58, box 196
                Office Hours: Tuesday 14.00-15.30
    Exercise instructor: Lior Malka
                Tel: 7808
                Room: -106/58, box 48
                Office Hours: Sunday 16-18
    Home work checker: Lior Malka


    This course is basic and generally important. It is one of the keys for studying Computer Science.

    Home works:

    Explanations obligatory!


    Recommended textbooks:

    Last modified January 27, 2003
    Yefim Dinitz