Advanced Algorithms and Scientific Writing 202-2-5521


  • The home work 4 is sent to the course students by e-mail.

  • The home work 3 is as follows: To write down the Dinitz's network flow algorithm, with the correctness proof and time analysis.

    The work would be done in pairs: Itzik with Ami, Arie with Shai, Tali with Nurit.

    You may assume that all concerning algorithm Ford-Fulkerson and BFS is known. No detail concerning routine things is needed, but the things specific to this algorithm must be done in full (without too much detail).

    The SECOND version is due at May 4, so I recommend to submit the first version not later than April 25-26. No referreeing work will be needed, for HW3.

  • RULES of defining the assignment grade in the course Algorithms & Writing:

    1) The main factor will be what effort is done by the student, and what is the improvement. If both are ok, also the grade will be ok.

    2) Also, the fulfillment of the submission dates will be taken into account. Strict sumbission dates will be defined, for the AFTER-COMMENTS submissions. Being late with some submission, will cost a fine of one point, in the final grade. Being late for more than one week will cost more fine, and so on.

    3) The strict dates as above are:
    - for assignment 1 - April 21 (the girls are exempted from ass. 1);
    - for assignment 2 - April 27;
    - for assignment 3 - May 4.

    4) My obligation is to give the comments on the FIRST version of an assignment in at most two days after its submission (valid from 14.4 and on, except from May 3 and 4, when I am out of the town). If I am late for a day or more, for a certain work, the strict date is postponed by the same number of days.

  • Home work 2 is published below. Let us try to make the entire first round (writing, referreeing, my comments) before Pessach.

    Referree list: Ami for Shay, Shay for Arie, Arie for Noam, Noam for Ami, Tali for Nurit, Nurit for Tali.

  • Here is the list of student logins .

  • Noam recommends a few tools for using Latex in Windows.

  • Checking another student's work is aimed to help him/her as much as possible. Try to do your best, please, with your comments. In particular, it is very important to make your comments positive. That is, instead the minimal: "I do not like this part" (which may also be helpful), try to suggest a certain way of correction.

    Besides, I intend to grade such referreeing work. For this, and for more of my reaction to you as a referree, always E-MAIL ME the (nick)name of the student, whose work you have checked.

  • Before taking your work from the envelope, make sure that there are my comments on it, not only the comments of another student. I hope to finish with the comments in the late afternoon, on Sunday.

  • Put your correspondence to me into the envelope near my door, not into the wooden box near it.

  • A small Hewbrew-English dictionary is maintained (see below). I would gladly accept your additions, for it.

  • See below the reference to Assignment 1.

  • Meetings of the course will be on Wednesdays, from 8 to 10. The room is 114/32.

  • Two requests, before the next lecture on Wednesday 8-10:
    1) to send me your login;
    2) to look into the latex text, given to you (and published below), and try to understand it. It will be discussed at the next lecture.

  • The first files concerning Latex:
    source file which can be compiled by command "latex latex1.tex", and
    the resulting dvi file , which can be seen via command "xdvi latex1 &" (in unix).
    Printing is done by command: printername -dvi filename.

    I have noticed that, in Windows, WinShell and Yap 0.99i show these files in a beautiful way (I have not tried to work with them, yet).


    Wednesday 16:10-18:00, room 145/90


    Instructor: Prof. Yefim Dinitz
                Tel:  647-7867
                Room: 302/58, box 196
                Office Hours:  Monday 14.00-15.30


    This course presents some algorithms, deepening into their analysis, and teaches to write scientific texts.

    Home works:

    Home work 1: Plain text in English.
    Home work 2: Plain text in English.


    Yefim Dinitz