Description: Dinitz

Paper on Dinitz algorithm for max-flow finding


Research Interests

Selected Publications

Previous Teaching (selected):

·  Design of Algorithms
·  Optjmization, Matching, and Search Algorithms on Strings

·  Advanced Algorithms and Scientific Writing  

·  Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

·  Advanced Algorithms

·  Visual Algorithms (mini-project) - 98-00

·  Graduate Seminar - 99, 07, 12


·         Head, the Dept.’s Committee for grad students' research excellence

·         Awards for graduate students’ research papers:

-          Announcements

-          Call-for-Awards

-          J-C.ranking table

-          CONF-blank

-          JOURNAL-blank


Other interests:

·  Kabbalah (Zoar - ARI - Baal Sulam - M. Laitman):

-- Bnej Baruch World Center for Kabbalah Studies: multi-lingual site

-- my old paper on Kabbalah (2003, in Russian): htm file

·  Hiking

·  Dancing