Research Seminar in Algorithms

  • 24/12/03: Amir Sapir
    The Tower of Hanoi with Forbidden Moves on Graphs with 3 Vertices (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)
  • 31/12/03: Vladimir Lipets
    Several Graph Layout Problems for Grids (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)
  • 7/1/04: Nadav Azaria
    Lights-Out on Graphs (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)
  • 14/1/04: Yochai Twitto
    Combinatorial Dominance Analysis (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)
  • 21/1/04: Vladimir Braverman
    Convex Hulls of Sets in the Plane (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)
  • 3/3/04: Shira Zucker
    Anticoloring for Toroidal Grids (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    10/3/04: Yossi Moshe
    On Positive Matrices and Number of Paths in Directed Graphs (abstract.pdf)

    17/3/04: Amir Sapir
    The Cyclic Multi-peg Tower of Hanoi (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    24/3/04: Vladimir Lipets
    SubSea: An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism (abstract, talk.ppt)

    31/3/04: Yossi Moshe
    On the GAP Graph Package (abstract.pdf, GAP session)

    14/4/04: Yochai Twitto
    Combinatorial Dominance Analysis of Some Algorithms for the Knapsack Problem (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    21/4/04: Dan Azriel
    On a Question of Leiss regarding the Hanoi Towers Problem (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    28/4/04: Orly Yahalom
    Anticoloring Problems on General and Special Graphs (abstract.txt, talk.ppt)

    12/5/04: Michal Stern
    An Optimal Clustering Tree Problem (abstract.pdf)

    19/5/04: Luba Mashinsky
    An Algorithm for Polytope Decomposition and Exact Computation of Multiple Integrals (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    9/6/04: Nadav Azaria
    Lights Out on Trees (abstract.pdf, talk.ppt)

    16/6/04: Shira Zucker
    Separator Theorems for Planar Graphs (talk.ppt)