Using Evolutionary Algorithm to find image segmentation


Final project by

Yossef Kitrossky

Yoad Lewenberg


At this project we tried to find image segmentation using Evolutionary Algorithm. We focused on 128*128 gray scale images and used our algorithm to separate the image in to two segments. Potential solution represented as matrix such that the value of every index at the matrix can be either 1 or 0. 

Approach and Method

In order to find segmentation using Evolutionary Algorithm, we must define the follow:


First generation population

Fitness function




Evolution steps 


As mentioned, every individual in the population represented as a binary matrix, so the two segments can easily be distinguished.

First Generation Population

In order to start with population that could evolve to satisfying segmentation maps, every individual in the first generation contain  random circles (with random radius and random center) and  random rectangles (with random width, length and center), when.

Fitness Function

The score of segmentation map determinates according to two criteria:

The variance of the pixels value at every segment.

The values of partial derivative at the boundary points (by the andaxes).


So we can apply the principle of the Natural Selection in our algorithm, at each generation the top  individuals join the next generation as they are. For the last  the following is processed:

Until the population is complete:

4 random individual picked and the best one (by the fitness function) chosen as parent A.

In the same way parent B is chosen. After both parents are chosen we recombine them to a new individual that take part in the new generation.



After both parents are chosen, we randomly chose a pivot  (between 0 and, where  and  are  binary matrixes) and axis (either  or ). Their offspring  compound from the first  columns of  and the other from, if the chosen axis is. If the chosen axis is,  compound from the first  rows from  and the other from . After the offspring  is compound, with some probability mutation will occur.



We mutate individuals in 4 ways:

Add a random circle (random center and radius) of a random segment (0, 1).

Add a random rectangle (random center, width and length) of a random segment (0, 1).

Smooth the segmentation map with Gaussian kernel.

At a random point  of segment, find – in a random orientation (right-left, up-down) – boundary point and extend the  segment at the boundary point.


Evolution steps 

Instead of creating the first generation and evolving according to the original image, we let the individuals evolve as follow:

We lower the resolution of the original image (128*128), to 8*8 image, 16*16 image, 32*32 image and 64*64 image.

The first generation population created as 8*8 binary matrix and evolve  generations to fit the  resized image.

After  generations every individual in the population transform to 16*16 binary matrix.

The updated individuals evolve for  generations to fit the 16*16 resized image.

In the same way the individuals evolve for  generations to fit 32*32 resized image,  generations to fit the 64*64 resized image and finally  generations to fit the original image.  

Running Time

For  image, population size, generation total amount of.

Creating the initial population.

For every generation;

Ranking all the population

for every individual;

Pick parents




Total running time - . Theoretically the running time seems effective. But in order to achieve a satisfying result should be at least, so the real running time.


Demonstration of the evolution steps:

The original image. We used population size 400. Total amount of 400 generations. mutation probability 0.3

20 generation of evolution according to 8*8 resized image.

40 generation of evolution according to 16*16 resized image.

80 generation of evolution according to 32*32 resized image.

100 generation of evolution according to 64*64 resized image.

160 generation of evolution according to original image.


Result on an image with noise:

created with The GIMP

Original 128*128 image with noise.

The best solution after 400 generations, with population size 400 .mutation probability 0.3.



As in real life evolution is a long time process with respect to the input. (E.g. human evolution is very slow) hence our algorithm requires an impractical amount of generation and population size to achieve a satisfying result when dealing with large images.

Although finding image segmentation is hard problem and we show a polynomial solution, in order to deal with more complex images a lot of work is still ahead.

Additional Information


Flight of the FINCH through the Java Wilderness; Michael Orlov and Moshe Sipper.

Perceptual Organization I - Edge aggregation case study; Ohad Ben-Shahar (Course lecture notes).

Perceptual Organization IV - Segmentation; Ohad Ben-Shahar (Course lecture notes).