Consistent line drawing labeling via backtracking

Final project by

Guy Shtub


This paper deals with line labeling of Trihedral (i.e. having been formed by three planes meeting at a point) blocks world images.

Edge labeling in the Trihedral block world

In the 1970’s Huffman and Clowes researched methods to teach a computer to recognize trihedral images as 3d scenes. It is assumed that the image represents a general viewpoint. A viewpoint is general if a small perturbation of it would not affect the configuration of the line drawing. Line labeling means classification of edges in the target image corresponding to depth and surface discontinuities. Illumination and color discontinuities are ignored. Edge types include:

And the corresponding edge types symbols:

Edge intersections can be of 4 types. There are only 16 possible edge intersections [1,2]. Each of the possible options is numbered.

A computer can use this knowledge of which different combinations of edge intersections is possible to map out an image, thereby determining what objects it contains. This process is a first step for computers towards understanding 3d dimensional space. One method of labeling lines according to the Huffman and Clowes catalog is Backtracking.

Backtracking Algorithms

Backtracking algorithms attempt to solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). CSP are problems that consist of a set of variables each of which must be assigned a value from a possible domain. Backtracking attempts to find a solution by trying all the combinations in order to obtain a solution. Backtracking can be implemented in several ways. Prosser investigates and compares different backtracking algorithms [4].

Naive Backtracking

In naive backtracking variables are incrementally given values from their domains. Whenever a variable X is given an assignment, the assignment is checked with all previous variable assignments. If the assignment is consistent the algorithm moves on to the next variable. Otherwise a different value for X is chosen. If the variable’s domain is empty then the variable that was given an assignment before X, namely Y is given a different assignment. If the first variable’s domain is emptied then there is no solution. If the last value receives a consistent assignment then a solution is found.

Forward Checking

Forward Checking (FC) attempts to solve a CSP by a “look ahead” method. When the search attempts a trial assignment for variable X it removes from the domain of all other variables, all values that are not consistent with the assignment for X. In this manner when we choose a value for a certain variable, we can be certain that it is consistent with the current assignment. If after a trial assignment a domain for some variable is emptied a new value is tried for the current variable. If no values remain the algorithm backtracks to the last variable that was given an assignment. FC performs more work then Naive Backtracking with each assignment given. This is because it “wipes out” future values. On the other hand it attempts to make fewer assignments. Prosser [4] proves that FC necessarily performs better then Naive Backtracking.

Problem Representation

For a given target image each edge intersection is a variable. The domain size for each variable is 16, according to the Huffman and Clowes catalog. For each image with N variables, a NxN constraints matrix is built. This matrix represents which variables are constrained, i.e. which edge intersections are adjacent. Value 0 represents no constraint while value 1 represents a constraint. For example if variables 1 and 3 represent neighboring edge intersections then the value of the matrix at position [1][3] = [3][1] = 1. This is because the constraints are symmetrical. An additional conflicts matrix is built for each value 1 in the constraints matrix. This conflicts matrix is of size 16x16. In this matrix the value in [X][Y] indicates if domain value X has a conflict with domain value Y. For example assume that variables 3 and 6 represent adjacent neighbors, therefore the value [3][6] = 1 in the constraints matrix, and they have a conflicts table. In this table, if [4][14] = 1 then the domain value 4 for variable 3 is not consistent with domain value 14 for variable 6. Performing a check if variable A with value X is consistent with variable B with value Y includes checking constraints[A][B]. If constraints[A][B] = 0 return true. Otherwise constraints[A][B] = 1, then check the A-B conflicts table. If conflicts[X][Y] = 1 return false, else conflicts[X][Y] = 0 and return true.

Algorithm implementation

Both algorithms were implemented in Java. The implementation includes 4 classes. Problem class represents the problem. Table class represents the data structure used to build problems. AlgoForwardChecking and AlgoBackTracking classes implement the respective algorithms.

Evaluation Method

In evaluation of Backtracking algorithms a Constraint Checks (CCs) measure is commonly used. This measure counts the number of times the algorithm checks the problem to see if two variables and their values are consistent. The advantage of using such a measure is that it is not implementation dependent. This means that the algorithm can be implemented in different programming languages and run on different machines, but the measure would still be valid. In the code the class Problem includes a counter that is incremented whenever the function “check” is called.


The program was tested on 3 different problems. For each problem, the edge intersections were arbitrarily numbered. The domain for each variable was 0-15, each number representing the respective edge intersection type from the numbered catalog (section 1.1). The received results are in form of pairs, where the first element is the edge intersection number and the second isthe domain value assigned to this variable. Pyramid target image:

The received result: Assignment=<0,2>,<1,9>,<2,2>,<3,9>

Test target image:

The received result: Assignment=<0,2>,<1,9>,<2,7>,<3,11>,<4,2>,<5,11>,<6,6>,<7,7>,<8,11>,<9,9>,<10,2>

Block target Image:

The received result: Assignment=<0,9>,<1,2>,<2,9>,<3,2>,<4,1>,<5,12>,<6,9>,<7,2>,<8,9>,<9,7>,<10,2>

Number of Constraint Checks (CCs)

Problem Number of CCs – Naive Backtracking Number of CCs – Forward Checking
Pyramid 18633 130
Test 4201144 1036
Block 25228136 747


The program provided consistent line labeling for the given test problems. As expected in all tests the FC algorithm performed considerably better then the Na?ve Backtracking algorithm. Future work includes comparison of these results to consistent line drawing labeling via relaxation labeling, as well as other methods.

Additional Information


1. M. B. Clowes, "On seeing things," Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 79-116, 1971.
2. D.A. Huffman, “Impossible objects as nonsense sentences,” Machine Imlligencc 6, pp, 295-323,1971.
3. Depth and Shape Inference (II), Introduction to Computational and Biological Vision, Computer Science Department, BGU, Ohad Ben-Shahar
4. P. Prosser: "Hybrid algorithms for the constraint satisfaction problem", Computational Intelligence, Vol. 9, pp. 268-99, 1993.