Graphical System Implementation Issues - 1998

Project Definition

The project has been partitioned into 3 parts: a 3D display program, and two programs for generating 3D data as projections of high-dimensional data. The generating programs generate an ASCII description file, in a prescribed format which is used as an input data file for the 3D display program.

  1. Display program: interactive display program that reads the input (3D or 2D) description file, and displays an orthogonal projection that can be changed interactively. Two 3D modes are: "atoms and links" and "polyhedral faces".
  2. Projection program 1: assumes a unit n-dimensional grid. Interactive selection of a sub-hyperparallelohedral, and a 3D subspace for projection. Displays defining vectors in 2D standard views (6 of them for 4D). Performs projection 3D and writes results into file in standard format.
  3. Projection program 2: assumes a unit 4-dimensional grid. Interactive selection of a projection plane and a volume for projection, with display of 6 2D views of the defining vectors. Projects points and edges onto plain, and writes results into file in standard format.

Interface Tests

The following are data files generated by stubs of various projection programs. Implementers of display programs should test whether their program can correctly accept them all.

  1. Data file 1
  2. Data file 2

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