Assignment 4

Assignment goals:

The assignment helps understanding concepts and mechanisms in computer architecture and assembly language. The assignment is a preparation for final exam in assembly language and SPlab. Note: This assignment is to be done SOLO.

  1. Three numbers are stored in memory locations 70h, 71h, and 72h, which should be given the names X, Y and Z. Write an assembly language program that finds the largest even number and stores it in 73h.

  2. Answer:

      X EQU 70h

      Y EQU 71h

      Z EQU 72h

      mov al,[X]

      test al,1

      jnz other1

      mov bl,[Y]

      test bl,1

      jnz other2

      cmp al,bl

      jb other3

      jmp other2


      mov al,bl


      mov bl,[Z]

      test bl,1

      jnz finish

      cmp al,bl

      ja finish

      mov al,bl

      jmp finish


      mov al,[Y]

      test al,1

      jz other2:

      mov al,[Z]

      finish: test al,1

      jnz end

      mov [73h],al


    Note that this program will crash due to segmentation fault in 32 bit LINUX as written because a process in user mode is not allowed access to virtual memory addresses 70h through 73h.

  3. Consider the following 80X86 code segment.

    0 00000000 E800000000 call get_my_loc

    1 get_my_loc:

    2 00000005 59 pop ecx

    3 00000006 83C11C add ecx, msg1-get_my_loc

    4 00000009 BA06000000 mov edx,6 ;message to write

    5 0000000E BB01000000 mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)

    6 00000013 B804000000 mov eax,4 ;system call number

    7 00000018 CD80 int 0x80 ;call kernel

    8 next:

    9 0000001A B801000000 mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)

    10 0000001F CD80 int 0x80 ;call kernel

    11 00000021 7468616E6B20796F7521 msg1: db "thank you!"

           1. What is the result of running the code?
           2. Re-write the above code segment to a “non-zeros code” (The listing file of the new code would contain no zero byte).


    1. The code prints “thank “

    4 %macro zero 1

5 xor %1,%1

6 %endmacro


8 get_my_loc:

9 00000000 EB05 jmp loc1 ;tell linker entry point

10 _start:

11 00000002 E8F9FFFFFF call get_my_loc

12 loc1:

13 zero ebx

14 00000007 31DB <1> xor %1,%1

15 zero eax

16 00000009 31C0 <1> xor %1,%1

17 zero edx

18 0000000B 31D2 <1> xor %1,%1

19 0000000D 59 pop ecx ;message length

20 0000000E 80C116 add cl, msg1-get_my_loc

21 00000011 B20E mov dl,6 ;message to write

22 00000013 B301 mov bl,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)

23 00000015 B004 mov al,4 ;system call number (sys_write)

24 00000017 CD80 int 0x80 ;call kernel

25 next:

26 00000019 B001 mov al,1 ;system call number (sys_exit)

27 0000001B CD80 int 0x80 ;call kernel

28 0000001D 7468616E6B20796F7521 msg1: db "thank you!

  1. Consider the following 80X86 code segment. You cannot assume anything about content of any register.

xor bh, bh
mov bl, 1
mov ecx, 32
L:   rcl edx, bl
     sbb bl, 0
     or edx, bl
     mov bx,1
     loop L, ecx

       1. What is this code supposed to do?
       2. There is an error in the code. Add (at most) two code lines to fix the error.
       3. Re-write the above code for better runtime efficiency if possible.

    1. The code suppose to inverse each bit in edx

    2. Corrections:

      xor ebx,ebx

      rcl edx,1

      or edx,ebx

    3. not edx

      4. List 5 different ways to add 1 to the EAX register on an 80X86 with exactly 1 80X86 instruction. Assume the following initial state.

         Eax = 1


      shl eax,1

      inc eax

      add eax,1

      sub eax,-1

      xor eax,3

      5. List the shortest possible code for adding 5 to y, subtracting 2 from x, and adding 1 to z, which are defined as follows (consecutive locations):

          z db 1
          x dw 330
          y dw 7
      Is there a shorter way to do that? How?


      mov dwoerd [z], 0x0c014802

      6. On Intel 80X86, suppose that AX = 0000000011010111, BX = 0000000001110010, CX = 0000000010111001, and Carry Flag = 1. What is the result of the following operations (describe the state of the carry and overflow flags after execution of each)

             a. call CX
             b. ADC AL, 0xF9
             c. ADD AX, 0x003A
             d. SUB BL, 0x73
             e. JC CX

      a. The address of the next operation will push to the stack and esp will be changed. The next operation to execute is the operation save at 0000000010111001.

      b. AL = 11010000 if the carry flag before the operation is 0, else AL = 11010001

        The Carry flag and the Overflow flag will update to 1

      c. AX= 0000000101111010

        The Carry flag and the Overflow flag will update to 0

      d. BL = 11111111

        The Carry flag and the Overflow flag will update to 1

      e. compilation error

      7. Write instruction sequences to perform some common set operations, for 80X86.
      Each set is a subset of [1..16] is represented by corresponding bits in the register (e.g., AX=01000001000100101 represents {1,3,6,10,15}).
      Use the following table. Each entry contains a single bit. The index into the table selects which bit is set (e.g., the value at index zero has bit zero set).

      BitTbl dw 1, 2, 4, 8
                dw 10h, 20h, 40h, 80h
                dw 100h, 200h, 400h, 800h
                dw 1000h, 2000h, 4000h, 8000h

      a. Delete - deletes the specified item from the set.

          BX contains a value in the range 0..15.
          AX contains a set.

      b. Odd - Even sets the zero flag if AX contains a set of numbers that are all odd.

      c. Member - Member clears the zero flag if BX is an element
      of the AX set, it sets the zero flag otherwise.

          BX contains a value in the range 0..15.
          AX contains a set.

      d. UnionSets - Union computes AX := AX union BX.

          AX and BX contain the sets.

      e. Intersection - Intersection computes AX := AX intersect BX.

          AX and BX contain the sets.

      f. Complement - Complement computes AX := - AX, that is, all elements in the set are removed, and all elements not in the set are added.



        MOV   BX, [BitTbl+2*BX]    ; Get 1 in position specified by element
        XOR   AX, BX             ; remove from set


          AND AX, 5555H ; Mask (get rid) of odd bits, zero flag is set if there are no evens

       ADD   AX, 0FFFFH         ; create carry if AX was non-0
       MOV   AX, 0FFFFH
       ADC   AX, 0              ; Get 0 only if AX was non-0
  c. 	 mov  bx, [BitTbl+2*bx]
        and  bx, ax
        not  bx
d. OR    AX, BX
e. and   eax, ebx    ; Can also do AND AX, BX
f. not ax

        8. Codes and Hamming distances:

        Given the following two 5-bit code words, we would like to extend this code to 4 code words of the same length (without changing the two given code words).

    | Code word
 00 | 10000
 11 | 11111

   (a) What is the maximum hamming distance that we can get for the resulting code?
   (b) How many errors can it detect?
   (c) How many errors can it fix?
   (d) How many erasures can it fix?
   (e) Is it possible to change only a single bit in one of the two given code words above in order to extend it to 4 code words with better hamming distance? If yes, what is the needed change?


a. maximum d = 3

b. 2 errors can be detected

    c. 1 error can be fixed

    d. 2 erasures can be fixed.

    e. no

    9. The following macros definitions are given

      %define ctrl 0x1F &
      %define param(a, b) ((a)+(a)*(b))
      %xdefine c1 ctrl
      %xdefine ctrl c1 0x02

    Which result code line would be generated by assembler for the following source code line? Will it pass the assembler compilation?

mov byte [param(ctrl, ebx)], c1 'D'
passes compilation
mov    byte [ebx+ebx*1+0x2],0x1F & 'D'
  1. execute the PIC from the lecture (use also gdb) :

    1. what is the addresses of main, my_func, my_pic_func, my_strict_pic_func, printf in each call to one of the function (while running)?

    2. what would happen if we define “str1” at the beginning of section text?

    3. How can we use “Functions” jump table in my_pic_func? Explain.


  1. main: 0x08048478, my_func: 0x080485af, my_pic_func: 0x08048570, my_strict_pic_func 0x0804858b, printf: 0x080483a0

    After code relocation: my_func: 0x0804a09f, my_pic_func: 0x0804a060, my_strict_pic_func 0x0804a07b

  2. str1 would move with the section. The prints will be the same because it use str1 from the original location.

  3. We can replace mov edx, printf by add edx, (to_printf-anchor)

  1. Given the following C code

      z = foo(&x, y);

    Given the following assembly code that implements foo using the C calling convention:

      push ebp
      mov ebp, esp
      push ebx
      mov ebx, [ebp+12]
      mov eax, [ebp+8]
      mov eax, [eax]
      sub eax, ebx
      pop ebx

    What is a return value of foo (using x and y to state the answer)?


z = x-y

12. Consider the following code for Motorola 68000 (comments state what each instruction does, according to the 68000 instruction manual (no, we did not teach you that machine, you should learn the relevant details on your own from the exercise). Note that the 68000 has 32-bit registers D0-D7 and A0-A7, where A7 is also the STACK POINTER.

 F: MOVE.L   D0, -(A7)     ; D0 to memory - predecrement mode
    SUBQ.L   #1, D0        ; Subtract immediate - long (32 bit) operand
    BMI      N             ; Branch (jump) if result was negative
    JSR      F             ; CALL subroutine F (push PC then jump to F)
    SUB.L   (A7)+, D2      ; Signed subtract memory (postincrement) 
                           ; with D2, result in D2
    RTS                    ; Return from procedure/subroutine
 N: MOVE.L   (A7)+, D0     ; Move memory to D0 - postincrement mode
    MOVEQ.L  #-1, D2        ; Move immediate to D2

What happens if we execute an instruction JSR F, with D0=0? D0=1? Other values of D0 (call that value k)?


For D0=0, we push 0, subtract 1, and then we have "negative" so jump to N, where we pop the 0
to D0 and move -1 to D2, which is the returned value.

For D0=1, we push 1, then subtract 1 from D0,
and do a recursive call, which returns D2=-1 (as above), and sets 
D0=0. We now subtract the value (1) popped from the stack, minus D2 (= -1) and get
(1- (-1) = 2) in D2.

Assuming the returned value of F is in D2, we have:
If called with positive value k , in general we have
F(k) = k - F(k-1)

13. (SPlab part) Consider the following hexedit display of an ELF file.

00000000   7F 45 4C 46  01 01 01 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  .ELF............
00000010   02 00 03 00  01 00 00 00  62 80 04 08  34 00 00 00  ........b...4...
00000020   D0 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  34 00 20 00  01 00 28 00  ........4. ...(.
00000030   07 00 04 00  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 80 04 08  ................
00000040   00 80 04 08  9E 00 00 00  9E 00 00 00  05 00 00 00  ................
00000050   00 10 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000060   90 90 B8 04  00 00 00 BB  01 00 00 00  8B 0D 9A 80  ................
00000070   04 08 BA 08  00 00 00 CD  80 E8 01 00  00 00 90 B8  ................
00000080   01 00 00 00  BB 00 00 00  00 CD 80 00  FF FF FF FF  ................
00000090   41 68 6D 65  64 69 21 0A  00 00 90 80  04 08 00 2E  Ahmedi!.........
000000A0   73 79 6D 74  61 62 00 2E  73 74 72 74  61 62 00 2E  symtab..strtab..
000000B0   73 68 73 74  72 74 61 62  00 2E 74 65  78 74 00 2E  shstrtab..text..
000000C0   72 6F 64 61  74 61 00 53  79 72 69 61  00 00 00 00  rodata.Syria....
000000D0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
000000E0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
000000F0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  1B 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  ................
00000100   06 00 00 00  60 80 04 08  60 00 00 00  2B 00 00 00  ....`...`...+...
00000110   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  10 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000120   21 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  02 00 00 00  8C 80 04 08  !...............
00000130   8C 00 00 00  0D 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000140   04 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  29 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  ........).......
00000150   02 00 00 00  99 80 04 08  99 00 00 00  05 00 00 00  ................
00000160   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000170   11 00 00 00  03 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000180   9E 00 00 00  2F 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ..../...........
00000190   01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00  02 00 00 00  ................
000001A0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  E8 01 00 00  E0 00 00 00  ................
000001B0   06 00 00 00  0A 00 00 00  04 00 00 00  10 00 00 00  ................
000001C0   09 00 00 00  03 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
000001D0   C8 02 00 00  44 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ....D...........
000001E0   01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
000001F0   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  60 80 04 08  ............`...
00000200   00 00 00 00  03 00 01 00  00 00 00 00  8C 80 04 08  ................
00000210   00 00 00 00  03 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  99 80 04 08  ................
00000220   00 00 00 00  03 00 03 00  01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ................
00000230   00 00 00 00  04 00 F1 FF  06 00 00 00  8C 80 04 08  ................
00000240   00 00 00 00  00 00 02 00  0D 00 00 00  90 80 04 08  ................
00000250   00 00 00 00  00 00 02 00  15 00 00 00  7F 80 04 08  ................
00000260   00 00 00 00  00 00 01 00  1A 00 00 00  99 80 04 08  ................
00000270   00 00 00 00  00 00 03 00  20 00 00 00  9A 80 04 08  ........ .......
00000280   00 00 00 00  00 00 03 00  25 00 00 00  62 80 04 08  ........%...b...
00000290   00 00 00 00  10 00 01 00  2C 00 00 00  9E 90 04 08  ........,.......
000002A0   00 00 00 00  10 00 F1 FF  38 00 00 00  9E 90 04 08  ........8.......
000002B0   00 00 00 00  10 00 F1 FF  3F 00 00 00  A0 90 04 08  ........?.......
000002C0   00 00 00 00  10 00 F1 FF  00 65 32 2E  73 00 54 75  .........e2.s.Tu
000002D0   72 6B 65 79  00 4C 65 62  61 6E 6F 6E  00 65 78 69  rkey.Lebanon.exi
000002E0   74 00 41 73  73 61 64 00  48 6F 6D 73  00 5F 73 74  t.Assad.Homs._st
000002F0   61 72 74 00  5F 5F 62 73  73 5F 73 74  61 72 74 00  art.__bss_start.
00000300   5F 65 64 61  74 61 00 5F  65 6E 64 00               _edata._end.

(a) How many section headers does it have?
(b) Is it an object file or an executable file?
(c) How many program headers does it have?
(d) If there are any program headers, what does the first program header do?
(e) If there are any section headers, at what offset is the section header table?
(f) What are the names of all the sections in this file, if any?

(a) 7, the number of section headers (from the ELF header)
(b) executable  (from the type in the ELF header)
(c) 1 (from the ELF header)
(d) Causes a LOAD from offset 0 in the file, to memory virtual address 0x08048000, size of 0x009E bytes.
    Protection flages are R (read), E (execute), and alignment is 0x1000  (i.e. 4K bytes)
    But actually 1 full 4K bytes are mapped, due to the 4K page size.
(e) 0xD0, or 208 (decimal), found in the ELF header.
(f) From the .shstrtab, these are:  NULL, .text, .shstrtab, .symtab, .strtab. .rodata, Syria

14. (SPlab part) What does the run of the following program print:

main() {
   int i = 3, pid;

   while(--i) {
     pid = fork();
     if(pid || (i&3))
       printf("NUKE %d!\n", i);

Is the answer unique?





And other orderings possible, depending on the way processes are scheduled.
If we drop the "\n", we get strange results, because the stdout buffer is
not flushed and thus is cloned by the fork(). We thus get additional copies of
some of the output. So the output may be:


(again, order may change depending on process scheduling).