Improving Program Analyses by Structure Untupling

Michael Codish, Kim Marriott and Cohavit Taboch   

The Journal of Logic Programming; 43 (3): 251-263, 2000


It is well-known that adding structural information to an analysis domain can increase the precision of the analysis with respect to the original domain. This paper presents a program transformation based on untupling and specialisation which can be applied to upgrade (logic) program analysis by providing additional structural information. It can be applied to (almost) any type of analysis and in conjunction with (almost) any analysis framework for logic programs. The approach is an attractive alternative to the more complex Pat(R) construction which automatically enhances an abstract domain R (in the context of abstract interpretation) with structural information.

Available:    bibtex entry   compressed postscript

Related sites:   A prototype implementation   PDF from the publisher   PDF from Scirus - scientific search engine

Michael Codish
The Department of Computer Science
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
PoB 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel

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