Compiling Finite Domain Constraints to SAT with BEE

Amit Metodi and Michael Codish   

Theory and Practice of Logic Programming; (4-5): 465--483, 2012


We present BEE, a compiler which enables to encode finite domain constraint problems to CNF. Using BEE both eases the encoding process for the user and also performs transformations to simplify constraints and optimize their encoding to CNF. These optimizations are based primarily on equi-propagation and on partial evaluation, and also on the idea that a given constraint may have various possible CNF encodings. Often, the better encoding choice is made after constraint simplification. BEE is written in Prolog and integrates directly with a SAT solver through a suitable Prolog interface. We demonstrate that constraint simplification is often highly beneficial when solving hard finite domain constraint problems. A BEE implementation is available with this paper.

Available:    bibtex entry

Related sites:   available on arxiv   an implementation

Michael Codish
The Department of Computer Science
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
PoB 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel

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