Workshop on Scheme

Insertion sorting

Different algorithms should be used for sorting a linear data structure by insertion, depending on whether the contents of the structure are to be rearranged in place (as is typical when the structure is a vector) or copied into a new container, leaving the original unchanged (as is typical when the structure is a list).

Here is the algorithm when a new, sorted structure is to be constructed. The optional parameter permits the caller to supply a total order other than < (which is used by default). The main loop pulls one element at a time from the original list and inserts it into the sorted list by calling the insert procedure.

The interally defined insert procedure adds a new element to a sorted list at the appropriate position, leaving it sorted. It uses the reverse-it procedure defined elsewhere.

(define (insertion-sort ls . opt)
  (let ((precedes? (if (null? opt) < (car opt))))

    (define (insert new sorted)
      (let loop ((rest sorted)
                 (passed '()))
        (cond ((null? rest)
               (reverse-it passed (list new)))
              ((precedes? new (car rest))
               (reverse-it passed (cons new rest)))
               (loop (cdr rest)
                     (cons (car rest) passed))))))

    (let outer-loop ((remaining ls)
                     (done '()))
      (if (null? remaining)
          (outer-loop (cdr remaining)
                      (insert (car remaining) done))))))
Here is the more classical form of the insertion sort, which rearranges the elements of a vector. The main loop runs through the positions in the vector, from left to right, starting with the next-to-leftmost; at each position, it invokes the insert! procedure to place the element stored there correctly relative to its predecessors.

The insert! procedure takes as its argument a position in the vector and moves the element at that position to a lower-numbered position, if necessary. It presupposes that those elements are already in the correct order.

(define (insertion-sort! v . opt)
  (let ((precedes? (if (null? opt) < (car opt)))
        (len (vector-length v)))

    (define (insert! position)
      (let ((new (vector-ref v position)))
        (let loop ((trial (- position 1)))
          (if (negative? trial)             ; at the left end: stop!
              (vector-set! v 0 new)
              (let ((displaced (vector-ref v trial)))
                (if (precedes? new displaced)
                      (vector-set! v (+ trial 1) displaced)
                      (loop (- trial 1)))
                    (vector-set! v (+ trial 1) new)))))))

    (do ((index 1 (+ index 1)))
        ((<= len index))
      (insert! index))))

This document is available on the World Wide Web as

created July 10, 1995
last revised July 16, 1995

John David Stone (