NLP 21

Intro to Deep Learning for NLP

This lecture provides a very concise intro to Deep Learning with a perspective on language processing. It follows the general presentation of Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing by Yoav Goldberg (2017) (available online at the BGU library).

Machine Learning as Parameterized Function Estimation

The Machine Learning (ML) approach consists of constructing a function to map objects to outputs by examining examples. Given a dataset of examples which are pairs of (input, output), we want to construct as output a function which generalizes the observed examples - that is, one which when given an input never observed before will produce the expected output.

We focus here on a specific form of ML called supervised ML - there are other approaches called unsupervised and semi-supervised which we will briefly touch upon later in the course. We also assume that the input dataset is given a priori - whereas other forms of ML address the issue of collecting input examples in a dynamic manner (active learning).

A supervised ML algorithm thus receives a dataset as input and produces a program as output. Since the construction of an arbitrary program can be complex, we simplify the approach by assuming that the function we want to construct belongs to a specific family of mathematical functions. The simplest family is that of linear functions for example. This restriction to a specific class of functions is an a priori bias in the learning process which can be motivated by other parameters besides convenience or simplicity of operation.

A linear function has the form: $$ f(x) = Wx + b \textrm{ where } x \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{in}}, W \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{out} \times d_{in}}, b \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{out}} $$ \(W\) and \(b\) are the parameters of the linear function.

A ML algorithm for linear functions receives as input a dataset of the form \({(x_i, y_i)}, i \in [1 \dots N]\), \(x_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{in}} \textrm{ and } y_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{out}}\) and returns as output the parameters \(W\) and \(b\).

The linear family is restrictive - there are many functions it cannot represent (functions called "non linearly separable"). Still, the linear family (and the closely related log-linear family) can be used to model a surprising number of complex tasks when combined with sophisticated feature representation methods.

Quiz 03e01

Machine Learning Practical Methodology

In a practical setting, to apply the supervised ML approach, we are given a set of examples (a dataset). The following pipeline of sub-tasks defines the ML methodology:
  1. Split the dataset into training, validation and test subsets. (Validation is needed for model selection.)
  2. Encode the input objects into vectors of numeric values: this is called feature extraction or encoding.
  3. Encode the output objects into either vectors of numeric values or numbers. Depending on the nature of the output, we distinguish three types of ML problems:
    1. Classification: the output y belongs to a set of discrete classes. For example, in binary classification, we need to decide whether an object x belongs to a class or not. An example of this is spam classification for email documents. In multi-label classification, we need to decide to which class \(C_l\) an object belongs out of a discrete set of classes \(l \in [1 \dots C]\).
    2. Regression: the output y belongs to ℜ For example, we want to estimate the cost of an appartment given a description of the apartment. Note that in contrast to multi-label classification, the estimation can be more or less close to the actual target.
    3. Ranking: the output y is a ranking over a set of discrete options. For example, we want to rank the results to a search query according to the preference of the user as inferred from the query he submitted.
  4. Apply an appropriate training algorithm to estimate the parameters of the learned function on the training dataset. Examples of classical algorithms include Support Vector Machines (SVM), Logistic Regression, Boosted Trees. We obtain as output the parameters which characterize the learned function in the selected family (linear, log-linear).
  5. Evaluate the obtained function on the validation test. Remember our objective is to generalize over unseen inputs - not to overfit on the training examples. The way we estimate the generalization capability is by testing the learned function on unseen examples we have kept on the side. We can use the validation test to optimize the parameters and iterate over the steps of training/validation.
  6. Eventually, we need to evaluate the performance of the learned function over the test dataset. The performance must be evaluated using appropriate metrics depending on the task we are solving.


Consider the following dataset:

The task we address is that of predicting which of two neighborhoods an apartment is located at, based on the apartment's price and size. The diagram shows a plot of some apartments, where the x-axis denotes the monthly rent price in USD, while the y-axis is the size in square feet. The blue circles are for Dupont Circle, Washington DC and the green crosses are in Fairfax, VA.

We observe that the data points corresponding to the two classes can be separated by a line going across the plane (x,y). This is called a linearly-separable dataset. It is the easiest case for machine learning.

The encoding of this classification task as an ML task adopts the following steps:

  • The apartments are represented by a 2-D vector (area, price). These are the 2 features used in this dataset.
  • The label is encoded as a binary value - 0 for Dupont Circle, 1 for Fairfax.
  • We search for a linear function f of the form: \(f(x) = Wx + b\), where \(x\) is the vector (area, price) and \(W\) and \(b\) are the parameters to be determined.
  • We interpret the result of the linear function as a score - and make the decision on which class x belongs by passing the result of \(f\) into the \(sign()\) function: $$ y = sign(f(x)) = sign(w_1 \times area + w_2 \times price + b) $$ We predict Fairfax when y is positive, Dupont Circle otherwise.
  • In this simple linear case, a simple algorithm such as linear regression finds estimates for \((W,b)\).
  • The performance of the selected function can be measured using accuracy (how many of the predicted decisions are correct as a percentage), or for each label (Dupont / Fairfax) precision (how many labels predicted as Dupont are indeed Dupont) and Recall (how many among the Dupont apartments are labeled as Dupont by our function) and F-measure (the combination of precision and recall).
  • Quiz 03e02

    Using Scikit-Learn in Python for Classification

    The Scikit-Learn library in Python provides a comprehensive and effective platform to perform ML tasks. It implements most of the well-known ML training algorithms and provides a well-designed API (interface) to perform the standard tasks of dataset preparation (feature extraction, feature analysis), training and prediction, performance analysis and error analysis.

    The Digits Classification example from the Scikit-Learn tutorial illustrates the ML methodology on a prepared dataset of bitmaps of digits.

    Using Numpy

    Numpy is a central package in all Python machine learning libraries. It is an efficient implementation of algebraic data types and operations.

    Read the very short intro to Python and Numpy in Python Numpy tutorial.

    Read the refresher in Python / Numpy / Matplotlib refresher (notebook).

    Interpreting the output of Models: Probability Distributions

    In most classification models we will use, we will interpret the score computed by the learned function as the probability that a sample (the feature vector encoding the object) belongs to a class. In other terms, the learned function returns a probability distribution of size C (the number of classes) - \((l_1, \dots, l_C)\) such that \(l_i \in [0.0 \dots 1.0]\) and \(\sum_{i=1}^{i=C}(l_i) = 1.0\). This is the basic intuition behind the algorithm called logistic regression.

    One way to obtain a distribution given an arbritrary score (a floating point) is to apply a "squashing function" such as the sigmoid function: $$ \sigma(x) = {1 \over {1+exp^{-x}}} $$ The sigmoid maps the full range of real numbers into the interval \([0 \dots 1]\) (it has an S-shape - hence its name). For a binary classification case, the probability of class membership is modeled as: $$ prob(x \in class) = \sigma(Wx + b) $$ This is generalized to the case of multi-class prediction by using the softmax function, which takes as input a vector of n-dimensions and returns a discrete distribution over n classes. $$ softmax([v_1 \dots v_n]) = [{e^{v_1} \over \sum_{k=1}^{k=n} e^{v_k}}, \dots, {e^{v_n} \over \sum_{k=1}^{k=n} e^{v_k}}] $$ When multiple classes are considered, the decision function to predict one class out of C classes has the form: $$ y = argmax_{l \in [1..C]} \left( softmax(W.x + b)[l] \right) $$

    Preparing Datasets

    Before the classifier methods of fit() and predict() can be used, the dataset must be encoded as the simple algebraic representation we illustrated above (matrix of floating point values). This is performed by selecting feature extraction functions, which are functions which compute one numeric value given an object to classify.

    The feature extraction process can be more complex than just extracting computed features from observable objects. It can include steps of normalization (around the average and standard deviation of the range of values for a given feature) and dimensionality reduction (algebraic transformation which projects a vector of dimension N to a vector of dimension P such that P is much smaller than N). Such transformations must be applied according to the mathematical expectations of the training algorithm.

    In Scikit-learn, the feature_extraction and preprocessing modules are used to implement dataset preparation.

    Feature extraction are often called vectorizers or encoders.

    Several transformers are provided in the library to perform standard data transformation tasks. Vectorizers and transformers can be combined into efficient pipelines.

    Features for NLP Applications

    The Scikit-learn documentation on text feature extraction summarizes the key features used in NLP applications.

    How can we encode text - which is a sequence of discrete letters, words, sentences of arbitrary length - into the sort of fixed size vectors and matrices expected by the ML method described above?

    The key features representations we will encounter are:

    1. Bag of words
    2. Tf-idf weights
    3. Window-based features (current word, previous word, next word in sentence)
    4. Parts-of-speech features
    The basis of these representations are:
    1. Encodings of basic linguistic units
    2. Combination of these encodings
    For example, to represent the occurrence of a word \(w_i\) in a document, we can use a vector of size W = | Vocabulary | (in general - W is about 200,000) which has one element for each possible word in the vocabulary. The vector representation of word \(w_i\) is thus the vector \((0,0 \dots,0,1,0 \dots,0)\) with all values equal to zero except that at index i. This encoding is called the one-hot encoding of the vocabulary.

    Given this representation, we can combine the information that multiple words are present in a document by just summing up the vectors representing each word. Thus a document \((w_1 \dots w_D)\) is encoded as \(\sum_{i = 1}^{i = D} v_{w_i}\). This method is called the Bag of Words (BoW) encoding of the document.

    Note that this BoW representation loses the information of the order in which words occur in the document - so that "Avi stole from Betty" and "Betty stole from Avi" are represented by the same vector.

    The BoW representation can be made more effective for certain tasks by taking into account the frequency of the words within the document - so that more frequent words are given higher weight than less frequent ones.

    Another variant of BoW considers the relative frequency of words within the given document as opposed to all the other documents in a dataset. This method is called the TF*IDF weighting scheme.

    Another weakness of the BoW encoding is that it does not take into account the relative similarity of word meanings. For example, the two sentences "John hit Bob" and "John hurt Bob" are encoded into two vectors that are as distant from each other as the vector encoding of "John likes Bob". In many tasks, we want to take advantage of the fact that some words are more similar to each other than others (reflecting lexical relations such as synonymy). The BoW representation cannot achieve this, since all word representations are orthogonal to each other - and thus distant to each other in the same manner.

    From Feature-based Supervised ML to Deep Learning

    One can think of the transition from the traditional ML method to the Deep Learning method in multiple ways. One of them is to put the focus on learning representation - that is, the DL method attempts to include within the scope of the learning optimization the task of encoding the input features in an effective manner.

    Another perspective is to define the ML approach as a way to combine multiple representations, at different levels of abstraction, in an effective manner.

    The last aspect of the method is the focus on a specific family of functions to drive the learning process which is more general than the linear / log-linear family we have used as an example so far.

    Learning as Function Optimization - Loss Functions and Regularization

    Let us first re-state the task of training a ML model as a task of optimizing a function. The goal of training is, given a dataset \((x,y)\), to characterize a function \(f()\) such that the predictions \(\hat{y} = f(x)\) over the training dataset are as accurate as possible. The function \(f()\) is characterized by a set of parameters \(\theta\) and belongs to a pre-set family of functions (for example, linear functions, log-linear functions).

    To formalize the notion of "a function that is accurate over a dataset", we introduce the concept of loss function. The loss function determines how far a prediction is from the expected result on a given sample. \(\mathcal{L}(\hat{y}, y)\) measures how the distance between a predicted value and the real value y. The loss function should be bounded on the minimum, so that, in general, \(\mathcal{L}(\hat{y}, y) = 0\) only when \(\hat{y} = y\).

    The optimization task we consider is thus: Find \(\theta\) such that the loss over all the training dataset (of size \(n\)) is minimized. $$ \theta^* = argmin_{\theta}{\sum_{(x,y) \in Dataset}{\mathcal{L}(f_{\theta}(x), y)} \over n} $$

    Loss Functions

    Loss Functions that are often used include:
    1. For regression problems (y is a scalar value), we use either: $$\mathcal{L}_1(\hat{y}, y) = |\hat{y} - y|$$ or $$\mathcal{L}_2(\hat{y}, y) = (\hat{y} - y)^2$$
    2. For binary classification problems: the predicted output is either -1 or +1 and the decision rule is that \(\hat{y}\) has the same sign as \(y\). The loss function is $$\mathcal{L}_{hinge} = max(0, 1-\hat{y} \times y)$$
    3. Binary cross-entropy (logistic loss): the predicted output models \(p(y=1|x)\), and the decision rule is \(\hat{y} > 0.5\) for a positive classification. The binary cross-entropy loss is: $$\mathcal{L}_{bce}(\hat{y},y) = -y \times log(\hat{y}) - (1-y) \times log(1-\hat{y})$$
    4. Cross-entropy loss (negative log-likelihood): the predicted output models \(\hat{y} = (\hat{y}_1 \dots \hat{y}_C)\) is a distribution over the \(C\) possible classes. \(\hat{y}\) is in general the output of a softmax function applied to scores in \(C\) dimensions. $$ \mathcal{L}_{nll}(\hat{y},y) = -\sum_{i=1}^{i=C}{y_i \times log(\hat{y}_i)} $$ When \(y\) is a deterministic distribution (a one-hot distribution) when \(t \in (1 \dots C)\) is the correct class, we obtain: $$ \mathcal{L}_{nll}(\hat{y},y) = -log(\hat{y}_t) $$


    When we optimize for the loss functions listed above, there is a risk to obtain a solution \(\theta^*\) which overfits the training dataset. This is particularly the case when the family of functions over which we search a solution is expressive.

    To avoid overfitting, we introduce a term called regularization which imposes desirable constraints on the form of the solution. Usually, the regularization term measures the complexity of the returned function. We prefer in general simple solutions (which are deemed to be more general) than complex ones.

    We search for a solution which combines low loss and low regularization: $$ \theta^* = argmin_{\theta}\left({\sum_{i=1}^{n}{\mathcal{L}(f(x_i, \theta), y_i) + \lambda \mathcal{R}(\theta))} \over n} \right) $$ It is common to use the \(\mathcal{L}_2\) measure of complexity for the regularization term \(\mathcal{R}(\theta) = \mathcal{L}_2(\theta)\).

    Gradient Descent Algorithm

    There are different ways to solve the optimization problem above algorithmically. One effective and very general method is the algorithm of stochastic gradient descent (taken here from the formulation in [Goldberg 2017, 2.8.1]):

    Algorithm: Online Stochastic Gradient Descent Training


    while stopping criteria not met do
    1. Sample a training example \((x_i; y_i)\)
    2. Compute the loss \(\mathcal{L}(f(x_i; \theta); y_i)\)
    3. \(\hat{g} \leftarrow \nabla \mathcal{L}(f(x_i; \theta); y_i) \)
    4. \(\theta \leftarrow \theta - \eta_t \times \hat{g}\)
    5. return \(\theta\)
    For well-chosen loss functions and families of functions \(f()\), the computation of the gradients can be made efficient and automated.

    Representation - Learning Feature Mapping

    The XOR Problem

    The XOR problem is a well-known case of a non-linearly separable function: We want to learn a mapping from 2 boolean variables \((x_1, x_2)\) to the function \(xor(x_1, x_2)\). But there is no solution to the optimization problem: \(W \in \mathcal{R}^2, b \in \mathcal{R}\): However, if we feed the input x into a non-linear function \(\phi\), we can find a solution to this optimization problem. For example, consider: $$ \begin{align} \phi(x_1, x_2) &= (x_1 \times x_2, x_1 + x_2) \\ \hat{y} = f(x) &= W . \phi(x) + b \end{align} $$

    Feed-Forward Neural Networks as Universal Approximators

    The question we must now solve becomes how to find a good function \(\phi\) to make our problem separable.

    This has been addressed in the ML field with so-called Kernel methods - where general functions \(\phi\) turn an input problem \(x\) of dimension \(n\) into a problem with much higher dimension \(N\).

    The deep learning approach is different and consists of learning a trainable non-linear mapping function \(phi\) of a specific form. The general form of this trainable mapping we consider is: $$ \begin{align} \hat{y} &= W \phi(x) + b \\ \phi(x) &= g(W'x + b') \end{align} $$ where \(g\) is a non-linear function. This formulation corresponds to the simplest neural-network architecture, called the Multi-layer perceptron (MLP).

    In general, we can combine multiple layers of this form, where a composition of linear mapping from \(d_{in}\) to \(d_{out}\) is followed by a non-linear function \(g()\). This leads to the general definition of an architecture called feed-forward neural network (FFNN).

    The architecture of such functions is described as a sequence of equations of the form: $$ \begin{align} NN_{MLP2}(x) &= y \\ h^1 &= g^1(W^1 x + b^1) \\ h^2 &= g^2(W^2 h^1 + b^2) \\ y &= W^3 h^2 \end{align} $$ It was proven in Cybenko, Approximation by superpositions of a sigmoidal function, Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems, 2(4), 1989 that the MLP1 architecture is a universal approximator - that is, it can approximate with any desired non-zero error functions that include all continuous functions on a closed and bounded subset of \(\mathcal{R}^n\).

    This result proves that an MLP solution exists for any given function to approximate, but it does not provide a constructive algorithm to find it. In recent years, it was proven that for large classes of problems, algorithms find better solutions faster when more complex architectures (deeper layers) are used coupled with stochastic gradient descent optimization.

    Non-linear layers

    The non-linear functions used typically in deep-learning include the following:

    Neural Language Models

    Let us return to the task of learning a language model using the deep learning methodology. The task we consider is to predict what is the next word given the sequence of preceding words in a document. Formally, we want to learn the conditional distribution: $$ p(w_{i+1} | w_{1:i}) $$ We learned count-based method in the previous lecture - and found a solution to this task by using n-gram models. The limitations of n-gram models are:
    1. They require extremely large memory (exponential in the size of the history we consider - \(|V|^n\) where \(n\) is the size of the n-gram and \(|V|\) is the size of the vocabulary.
    2. Consequently, they have limited memory to deal with long-range dependencies (cases where the next token depends on the token that appeared 15 positions in the past). For example, in the sentence: "The boy, who likes ice-cream more than grapes or apples or oranges, runs towards the cone" - the verb "runs" agrees with the subject "boy" (syntactic agreement, morphological marking) - but there is a very long gap between them. An n-gram model could not capture this dependency.
    3. They suffer from lack of generalization: if an n-gram was never observed at training time, it is complex to predict its likelihood. Complex smoothing methods limit this problem but do not solve it completely.
    Neural Language Models (NLMs) were introduced to address these limitations. The key advantage of NLMs is that they can handle long histories with a small (linear) increase in the number of parameters in the model. The first influential description of this approach is in A Neural Probabilistic Language Model, Y. Bengio et al, 2003. The input of this model is an n-gram \(w_{1:k}\) and the output is a probability distribution over the vocabulary \(V\). The words in the n-gram are first mapped to one-hot vectors of size \(|V|\). These vectors are then mapped to encoding vectors of size \(d_w\) - \(v(w_i)\). The input vector is the concatenation of these embedding vectors - $$ x = [v(w_1); \dots; v(w_k)] $$ The vector \(x\) is then pushed to an MLP with one hidden layer: $$ \begin{align} y = p(w_i | w_{1:k}) = LM(w_{1:k}) &= softmax(W^2 h + b^2) \\ h &= g(W^1 x + b^1) \end{align} $$ Counting the number of parameters in this model, we obtain: $$ \begin{align} w_i &\in \mathcal{R}^{|V|} \textrm{ where } |V| \approx 10,000 \textrm{ for one-hot encoding} \\ v(w_i) &\in \mathcal{R}^{d_w} \textrm{ where } d_w \textrm{ is the size of the embedding}\\ v(w_i) = E.w \textrm{ where } E &\in \mathcal{R}^{|V| \times d_w} \textrm{ and E is the embedding matrix}\\ W^1 &\in \mathcal{R}^{k \times d_w \times d_h} \textrm{ where k is the size of the history}\\ b^1 &\in \mathcal{R}^{d_h} \textrm{ where } d_h \textrm{ is the size of the hidden layer}\\ W^2 &\in \mathcal{R}^{d_h \times |V|} \\ b^2 &\in \mathcal{R}^{|V|} \\ \end{align} $$ To train this model, we iterate over a corpus of text, and feed as training pairs every observed pair of (n-gram of k words, \(w_{k+1}\)). For a corpus of size \(C\) tokens, we obtain about \(C\) such pairs. The loss function we use is cross-entropy (see \(\mathcal{L}_{nll}\) above) - which compares the predicted distribution over \(|V|\) words with the observed word \(w_{k+1}\). The space efficiency of this method is much better than n-gram based LMs, but the training time and prediction time is much higher - mainly because of the cost of the softmax function over vectors of size \(|V|\).

    Neural Language Models and Representation Learning

    Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models, by Urvashi Khandelwal, Omer Levy, Dan Jurafsky, Luke Zettlemoyer, Mike Lewis (Nov 2019) makes the point that:
    Neural language models (LMs) typically solve two subproblems: (1) mapping sentence prefixes to fixed-sized representations, and (2) using these representations to predict the next word in the text. (...) the representation learning problem may be easier than the prediction problem. For example, any English speaker knows that ``Dickens is the author of'' and ``Dickens wrote'' will have essentially the same distribution over the next word, even if they do not know what that distribution is. We provide strong evidence that existing language models, similarly, are much better at the first problem.

    In general, Neural Language Models are most useful as a tool to encode a sequence of words into a fixed-size vector representation which capture semantic similarity. That is, two word sequences will be found to be similar if their Language Model encodings are "close" in the vector space (for example, \(\mathcal{L}_2(v_1, v_2)\) is small).

    This perspective has led to the study of pre-trained sequence encoders as a very active and successful technique in recent years.

    Last modified 01 Nov 2020