Michael Elhadad - NLP Fall 2021

First-Order Logic

Material from Representation and Inference for Natural Language, Patrick Blackburn and Johan Bos, 2005. Book site.

In this lecture, we study one method, First Order Logic, to achieve the following goals:

Model Vocabulary

A first-order formula is a description of facts. A first-order model is an idealization of situations in the world. Evaluating a formula in a model verifies whether the description is true or false in the situation.

Both the model and the formula must "talk about" the same topic - individuals and relations that can hold among the individuals. The vocabulary captures this notion of aboutness:

{ (Love,2), (Customer,1), (Robber,1), (Mia, 0), (Vincent,0), (Yolanda,0) }
The numbers afer the symbols indicate the arity of the symbol - that is, how many parameters we expect to see after the symbol.

First-order Models

The model is a situation corresponding to a certain vocabulary. The model contains 2 components:
  1. The domain D: a set of individuals - the entities about which we are talking.
  2. Semantic value: the value associated to each term in the vocabulary in the domain. This is represented by a function F, mapping words in the vocabularies to objects built from the domain.
For example, for the vocabulary above, consider the following model:
D = {d1, d2, d3, d4}
F(Mia) = d1
F(Vincent) = d2
F(Yolanda) = d3
F(Robber) = {d1, d2}
F(Customer) = {d3, d4}
F(Love) = { (d1, d2), (d3, d4) }
The value of a symbol of arity 0 is an individual, of a symbol of arity one, a set of individuals, of a symbol of arity n, a set of n-tuples of individuals.

Not all individuals must have names (d4 has no name in the model), and an individual can have several names. The relation between a name and the individuals it is associated to is called denotation.

First-order Languages

We define a first-order language in an inductive manner (syntactically) from the following components:
  1. All the symbols in the vocabulary
  2. A countably infinite collection of variables x_i
  3. Boolean connectives (negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication)
  4. Quantifiers (forall, exists)
  5. Parentheses
We then define inductively: We distinguish free and bound occurrences of variables in formula. A sentence is a well-formed formula that contains no occurrence of free variable.


3 inference tasks can be distinguished: More information to be read in Chapter 7 "Logical Agents" of the book "Artificial Intelligence - a Modern Approach" (AIMA) by Russel and Norvig.

Code for first-order logic manipulation in multiple programming languages is available in the AIMA code repository. The Lisp version of the Logic module of the source code of the AIMA book will serve as a basis for our examples. You can use different languages at your preference.

In the next lecture, we will use the same code ported to Scheme.

Last modified Jan 8th, 2021