Semantic Interpretation Objectives

Our objective is to map natural language sentences to a formal semantic representations that can serve to perform semantic computations. Examples of semantic computations are:
  1. Inferencing (infer new facts from the facts expressed by the sentence)
  2. Normalization (are two sentences expressing similar semantic information)
  3. Consistency checking (is a sentence compatible with other beliefs or facts held by an agent)
  4. Informativity checking (does a sentence provide new information that was not known previously or inferrable from previous knowledge held by an agent)
  5. Querying (gather facts that are relevant as answers to a question expressed by the sentence)
Such semantic tasks can be used to perform more complex pragmatic tasks -- such as uncovering intended meaning from indirect forms of speeches, or application of Grice's relevance maxims.

Semantic Interpretation Method

The method we pursue is the following:
  1. Parse an input sentence into a syntactic tree.
  2. Map the syntactic tree to a semantic representation.
  3. Verify whether the semantic representation holds in a model that represents the context of information relevant to the current context.
  4. Based on the type of contribution represented by the sentence, update the model with the new contribution.

Compositional Semantic Interpretation

The specific task we investigate consists of mapping the parse tree obtained on a Natural Language sentence to an expression in the selected semantic representation language.

We use for semantic representation language First Order Logic - as presented in the previous lecture. This language provides: the syntax for semantic expressions and an intepreter that can verify whether a semantic formula holds with respect to a specific model (satisfy(Formula, Model)).

We now want to define an algorithm that maps syntactic parse trees to semantic formulas in a compositional manner.

The KB Interface: tell, ask, retract

We will represent our semantic model as a Knowledge Base, that exposes a simple programmatic interface:
  1. tell(formula): add a formula to the knowledge base
  2. retract(formula): remove a formula from the knowledge base
  3. ask(formula): verify whether a formula is satisfiable in the current state of the knowledge base.
This interface is implemented in the following Scheme file: tell-ask.scm. Note that this interface uses the SISC implementation of generic functions (similar to the CLOS system of CommonLisp). The Scheme code also uses the hashtable implementation of SISC. Make sure to download the SISC interpreter to execute this code.

Different implementations of this interface can perform different services. The file tell-ask.scm includes a simple implementation called literal-kb. The literal-kb implementation simply stores the formulae that are asserted through tell, and has no inferencing power - only the facts that are asserted can be retrieved through the ask operation.

The implementation relies on unification: if one queries a formula with free variables, they are unified with the facts found in the knowledge base. In the following example, note the usage of the free variables $x (the $ sign is used to distinguish variables from constants):

> (define lk (make-literal-kb ()))
> (tell lk '(a 1))
> (tell lk '(a 2))
> (ask-pattern lk '(a $x) '$x)
> (ask-patterns lk '(a $x) '$x)
(1 2)
> (tell lk '(b 1 2))
> (tell lk '(b 2 3))
> (ask-pattern lk '(b $x $y) '($x $y))
(1 2)
> (ask-patterns lk '(b $x $y) '($x $y))
((1 2) (2 3))
The unification algorithm is implemented in the unify.scm Scheme file.

To account for the unification mechanism, the knowledge-base interface is extended with 2 methods:

  1. ask-pattern(kb, query, pattern)
  2. ask-patterns(kb, query, pattern)
These methods return the bindings computed by the unifier that make the query match a fact asserted in the knowledge base. ask-pattern returns the first binding found. ask-patterns returns all the possible bindings. (Note that ask-patterns can enter in infinite loops depending on the contents of the knowledge base.)

The Horn KB Implementation

The Horn Knowledge Base implementation extends the literal-kb implementation by adding inferencing capabilities. It is implemented in the horn.scm Scheme file.

Formulae that can be asserted in a horn-kb are a subset of the first order logic formulae. They are limited to the Horn form: they are definite clauses which is a conjunction of positive terms except for one term (called the head of the clause).

When restricted to such formulae, the resolution algorithm can determine whether a clause is satisfiable given a set of existing clauses. This algorithm is implemented in the function back-chain-each.

With the inferencing possibility, a horn-kb can retrieve data even if they have not been asserted explicitly, but can be infered from asserted facts. For example, even though no fact (q 1) was asserted, the fact (q 1) can be retrieved, because it can be infered from (p 1) and (=> (p 1) (q 1)):

> (define hk (init-horn-kb))
> (tell hk '(forall (x) (=> (p x) (q x))))
> (tell hk '(p 1))
> (ask-pattern hk '(q $x) '$x)
The resulting system is functionally similar to a Prolog interpreter (just much less efficient).

Parsing with Definite Clause Grammars

One can use the inferencing possibility of a horn clause interpreter to perform parsing. This method encodes the parsing problem as an inferencing problem in first order logic.

Definite Clause Grammars (DCG) are an encoding of Context Free Grammars on top of a horn clause interpreter. They were invented together with the Prolog programming language.

The first observation of the method is that a CFG rule such as:

S --> NP VP
can be interpreted as follows:
NP(l1) and VP(l2) and append(l1, l2, l3) => S(l3)
That is: in order to prove that a list of words l3 can be parsed as an S non-terminal, one must find two lists l1 and l2 such that l1 and l2 appended together yield l3, and l1 can be parsed as an NP, and l2 can be parsed as a VP.

To ease the parsing, we introduce a special encoding of lists that has 2 properties:

  1. The natural recursive encoding of lists is as embedded cons(car, cdr) pairs. For example, (cons a (cons b (cons c R))) encodes a list [a b c R]. This encoding allows recursive traversals of lists in a natural backward chaining manner.
  2. Difference lists allow direct encoding of append relations: a difference list encoding of a list [a b c] is any pair of lists l1 and l2 such that l1 - l2 = [a b c]. For example the pair ([a b c d] [d]) represents the list [a b c]. In particular, if we leave the list l2 as an unbound variable, then the list [a b c] can be represented by the pair ([a b c | R] R).
With this encoding, we express that 2 lists appended together yield a third list as follows:
(append (l1 l2) (l2 l3) (l1 l3))
This can be read simply as (l1 - l2) + (l2 - l3) = (l1 - l3).

We use this encoding to translate a CFG into a DCG as follows:

  1. Terminal encoding: NP --> "he": (tell hk '(np (cons he $r) $r))
  2. Terminal encoding: VP --> "sleeps": (tell k1 '(vp (cons sleeps $r) $r))
  3. Non-terminal encoding: S --> NP VP: (tell k1 '(=> (and (np $e1 $e2) (vp $e2 $e3)) (s $e1 $e3)))
Now this encoding can be used directly to parse lists of words:
Parse with this DCG: can the list [he sleeps] be parsed as an S?
(ask k1 '(s (cons he (cons sleeps $x)) $x))

Adding Semantic Interpretation to DCGs

We now want to parse and compute a semantic interpretation. We encode the semantic interpretation as a new argument of the non-terminals:
(np s1 s2 sem)
(vp s1 s2 sem)
(s  s1 s2 sem)
The rules are extended to manipulate these semantic interpretation. The semantic interpretation is manipulated through unification between the various constituents on the right hand side of rules and the left hand side of the rules. Note: the exact meaning of these unification constraints must be understood well. It is exploited as a restricted form of lambda calculus computation which will be clarified in the next section.
DCG with semantic interpretation
NP --> "he" | someone
(tell k1 '(np (cons he $r) $r someone))

VP --> "sleeps" | sleep(X)
(tell k1 '(vp (cons sleeps $r) $r (sleep $s)))

S --> NP(np-sem) VP(vp-sem) | apply(vp-sem np-sem)
(tell k1 '(=> (and (np $e1 $e2 $sub) (vp $e2 $e3 ($pred $sub))) (s $e1 $e3 ($pred $sub))))

[(cons he (cons sleeps $x)) $x ] is the difference-list encoding of [he sleeps]
(ask-pattern k1 '(s (cons he (cons sleeps $x)) $x $sem) '$sem)
(sleep someone)

Use the DCG to enumerate sentences (generate)
(ask-pattern k1 '(s $e $x (sleep someone)) '$e)
(cons he (cons sleeps $r.7993))
This grammar is available in the dcg-horn.scm Scheme file. To load all the required Scheme code at once in SISC, load the load.scm Scheme file.

A DCG with Quantifiers and Under-Specified Semantic Representation

The grammar in dcg-horn2.scm presents a DCG that can parse sentences such as:
(parse '(Every man that runs loves a woman))
At the syntactic level, only very simple relative clauses are supported: those where the relative pronoun is bound to the subject of the relative clause. Thus this grammar cannot parse this sentence:
Every man that Alice loves __ runs.
When we introduce quantifiers, such as "a" or "every", the semantic representation of the sentences includes logical quantifiers such as forall and exists. When a sentence includes several quantifiers, they generally can be scoped in various manners. Consider the classical examples:
  Every man loves a woman.
  Every US citizen has a president.
The default interpretation for the 2 sentences has different quantifier scopes:
(forall (?m) (=> (man ?m)
                 (exists (?w) (and (woman ?w) (loves ?m ?w)))))
(exists (?p) (and (president ?p)
                  (forall (?c) (=> (citizen ?c US) (president-of ?c ?p)))))
In this grammar, we will generate a semantic interpretation that leaves the quantifier scope undefined. The scoping will be computed later by using additional information by a post-processor.

The structure of the semantic interpretation is therefore NOT the traditional FOL syntax. Instead, we will have new "special forms" for quantifier placeholders. This is the under-specified semantic representation we will computed for the 2 sentences above:

   (and (all ?m (man ?m))
        (ex  ?w (woman ?w))
        (loves ?m ?w))
   (and (all ?c (citizen ?c US))
        (ex  ?p (president ?p))
        (president-of ?c ?p))
Note that at this level, the 2 semantic expressions have the same structure. A post-processing operation will generate the expected FOL from these structures. Note also that all and ex are NOT the same as forall and exists.

A simpler notation for DCG

To simplify the development of DCGs, we introduce the following notation for grammar rules:
(rule Head --> Goal1 ...)
This notation is then translated into the horn clause encoding of DCGs by adding systematically 2 parameters for the difference list covered by each constituent. The code performing this transformation is provided in this dcg-rule Scheme file.

Unbounded Dependencies: Gaps

For better coverage of relative clauses, we must handle the possibility that a clause contains a gap that is filled by the relative pronoun:
The man that Mary loves __ likes Annie.
We indicate in this sentence the position of the gap with the __ notation. The coverage of relative clauses as (that VP) that we used in the previous section is clearly insufficient to handle such constructs. The last grammar in dcgs.scm presents a grammar that uses the Gap construct in NP, VP and S constructs.


All the required code:
  1. utils.scm
  2. tell-ask.scm
  3. unify.scm
  4. normal.scm
  5. horn.scm
  6. dcg-rule.scm
  7. load.scm
Available grammars:
  1. dcg-horn.scm: simplest DCG grammar.
  2. dcg-horn2.scm: a DCG grammar with quantifiers and under-specified semantic representation.
  3. dcgs.scm: a set of 5 grammars of increasing complexity, using the rule notation.

Last modified June 13th, 2007