Klara Kedem http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~klara/kedem.gif
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
klara_at_cs dot bgu.ac.il

Ph.D., Tel-Aviv University, 1989

Research Interests     Professional Activities     Recent Publications      In the press    Address

Symposium in honor of me

Teaching: Spring 2017

  - Introduction to Data Structures http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~ds172/Main

Research Interests

I was trained in Mathematics and Computer Science, and specialized in the area of Computational Geometry. I have been working on theoretical and practical issues of computational geometry. A favorite theoretical problem is the question of Voronoi diagrams under various settings. For a certain 3D setting I got (with coauthors) the first sub-cubic algorithm. The practical aspects which involved quite a bit theory were motion planning for robots and shape matching and resemblance in computer vision. My discovery of the minimum Hausdorff-distance as a measure for robust shape matching has been widely used. In recent years I have expanded my interests to finding similarities for 3-dimensional structures. This involved comparing molecule structures for conformational polymorphs, finding similar substructures for protein structures, where my URMS method has proven highly effective. Other topics I worked on were finding patterns in predicted RNA secondary structures, flexible searching for RNA motifs (including some sequence conservation, and simple pseudoknots). For protein families I am using the consensus structure to find highly conserved segments. In computer vision I am now working on historical document analysis and pattern matching in collaboration with Prof. El-Sana and our three joint graduate students, and with Prof. Dinstein, and Prof. U. Ehrlich. For now we work on documents from the the Genizah and on Pinkassim of Jewish communities in East Europe.

Recent Professional Activities

o    Chair of the Computer Science Department, Ben-Gurion University, 2000-2002.

o    Member of Natural Sciences Faculty promotions and recruiting committee, 2006-2008.

o    Member of rector's promotions and recruiting committee , 2008-2012

o    Program committee member of the Workshop on Algorithmic and Computation, India, February 2009.

o    Won the IAPR sponsored Handwriting Document Image Binarization Competition (H-DIBCO 2010) organized during ICFHR2010 (with I. Bar Yosef and Y. Dinstein)

o    Program committee member for Symp. On Computational geometry 2011.

o    Member of the CS department of recruiting and promotions 2010-current

o    Chair of the Computer Science Department, Ben-Gurion University,  2014-2015

o    Program committee member, HIP 2015, Paris.

o    On editing board of PeerJ Computer Science, 2015-current

o    On editing board of Frontiers in Digital Humanities, section Cultural Heritage Digitization, 2015-current

o    Program committee member of ICDAR 2017, Japan, November 2017.

         Recent Publications

1.    Ofer Biller1, 1, 1, 2, , Evolution maps and applications, PeerJ Computer science, 2016.

2.     Irina Rabaev, Klara Kedem and Jihad El-Sana,  Keyword retrieval using scale-space pyramid, document Analysis Systems (DAS 2016), to appear.

  1. J. El-Sana, K. Kedem, Word of Blobs, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015), 1016-1020.
  2. A. Asi, R. Cohen, K. Kedem, J. El-Sana, Simplifying the Reading of Historical Manuscripts, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015), 826-830.
  3. R. Cohen, I. Rabaev, J. El-Sana, K. Kedem, I. Dinstein, Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy minimization, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015), 266-270.
  4. The influence of language orthographic characteristics on digital word recognition, Ofer Biller, Jihad El-Sana, Klara Kedem, Literary and Linguistic Computing, 2014, doi: 10.1093/llc/fqu051
  5. Aligning transcript of historical documents using dynamic programming, Rafi Cohen, Irina Rabaev, Jihad El-Sana, Klara Kedem, the 22nd international conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval (DRR), 2014, California, pp. 369-378.
  6. Segmentation-free Keyword Retrieval in Historical Document Images, Irina Rabaev, Itzhak Dinstein, Jihad El-Sana and Klara Kedem, the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition Recognition (ICIAR), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series , 2014, 369-378.
  7. A Coarse-to-Fine Approach for Layout Analysis of Ancient Manuscripts, Abedelkadir Asi*, Rafi Cohen, Itshak Dinstein, , Jihad El-Sana,Klara Kedem,  14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR-2014), Crete, pp. 140-145.

10. Using Scale-Space Anisotropic Smoothing for Text Line Extraction in Historical Documents, Rafi Cohen, Itshak Dinstein, Jihad El-Sana, and Klara Kedem, the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition Recognition (ICIAR), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series 2014, 349-358.

  1. Robust Text and Drawing Segmentation Algorithm for Historical Documents, Rafi Cohen, Abedelkadir Asi, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein, Jihad El-Sana, 2nd International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP'2013), pp. 110-117.

12. WebGT: An Interactive Web-based System for Historical Document Ground Truth Generation ,Ofer Biller, Abedelkadir Asi, Klara Kedem and Jihad El-Sana, Itshak Dinstein - ICDAR'2013, pp. 305-308.

13. Text Line Detection in Corrupted and Damaged Historical Manuscripts, Irina Rabaev, Ofer Biller, Jihad El-Sana, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein - ICDAR'2013, pp. 812-816.

14. Evolution maps for connected componenets in text documents, Ofer Biller, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein and Jihad El-Sana, ICFHR’2012, pp. 405-410.

15. Occluded character restoration using active contour with shape priors, Rafi Cohen, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein and Jihad El-Sana, in ICFHR’2012, pp. 497-502.

16. Finding quasi-modules of human and viral miRNAs: a case study of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Isana Veksler-Lublinsky, Yonat Shemer-Avni, Eti Meiri, Zvi Bentwich, Klara Kedem, Michal Ziv-Ukelson, BMC Bioinformatics 13: 322 (2012)

17. Case Study in Hebrew Character Searching, Irina Rabaev, Ofer Biller, Jihad El-Sana, Klara Kedem and Itzhak Dinstein, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, (ICDAR’2011 ), pp. 1080 -1084.

18. User-Assisted Alignment of Arabic Historical Manuscripts, Abed Asi, Irina Rabaev, Klara Kedem and Jihad El-Sana, International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP’2011), pp. 22 - 28.

19.  A Library of Protein Surface Patches Discriminates between Native Structures and Decoys Generated by Structure Prediction Servers,  Roi Gamliel, Klara Kedem, Rachel Kolodny and Chen Keasar, BMC Structural Biology, 11:20, (2011)

20.  Gene bi-targeting by viral and human miRNAsIsana Veksler-Lublinsky, Yonat Shemer-Avni, Klara kedem, Michal Ziv-Ukelson, BMC Bioinformatics, 11:249 (2010)

21. Approximate input sensitive algorithms for point pattern matching, Dror Aiger, Klara Kedem, Pattern Recognition: 43(1): 153-159 (2010).

22. Adaptive shape prior for recognition and variational segmentation of degraded historical  characters. Itay Bar Yosef, Alik Mokeichev, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein.   Pattern Recognition, Vol 42, pp. 3348-3354, 2009.

23. Text  line segmentation for degraded handwritten historical documents. Itay Bar Yosef, Nate hagbi, Klara Kedem, Itshak Dinstein. The 10th International  Conference on Document   Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 2009, pp. 1161-1165.

24. A new library of surface patches - design and applications. Roi Gamliel, Klara Kedem, Rachel Kolodny & Chen Keasar. Technical Report 09-10, Computer Science Department, BGU, October 2009.

25. Geometric Pattern Matching for point sets in the plane under similarity transformations, Dror Aiger, Klara Kedem, Information Processing Letters: 109(16): 935-940 (2009).

26. A GPU based algorithm for approximately finding the largest common point set  in the plane under  similarity transformation, Dror Aiger, Klara Kedem International Journal of Image and Graphics: 9(2)  287–298, 2009.

27. FASH : A web application for nucleotides sequence search, I. Veksler-lublinsky, D. Barash, C. Avisar, E. Troim, L.P. Chew, and K. Kedem, Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2008, 3(9).

28.  Computational Identification of Three-Way Junctions in Folded RNAs: A Case Study in Arabidopsis, A. Cohen, S. Bocobza, I. Veksler, I. Gabdank, K. Kedem, M. Shapira, A.  Aharoni, E. Nudler, D. Barash , In Silico Biology, 2008, 8:0010.

29. In-Place Augmented Reality, N. Hagbi, O. Bergig, J. El-Sana, K. Kedem, M. Billinghurst, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Cambridge, UK, (2008), pp: 135-138.

30. Global and Local Shape Prior for Variational Segmentation of Degraded Historical Characters, I. Bar-Yosef, A. Mokeichev, K. Kedem, U. Ehrlich, and I. Dinstein, 11th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), Canada,  (2008), pp.198-203.

31. Fast and Accurate Skew Estimation Based on Distance Transform, I. Bar-Yosef, N. Hagbi, K. Kedem, and I. Dinstein, The 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Nara, Japan,  (2008),  pp. 402-407.

32. Applying graphics hardware to achieve extremely fast geometric pattern matching in two and three dimensional transformation space, D. Aiger and K. Kedem, , Information Processing Letters 105(6)(2008), pp. 224-230.

33.  Exact and approximate geometric pattern matching for point sets in the plane under similarity transformations, D. Aiger and  K. Kedem, CCCG (2007), Canada, pp. 181-184.

34. A Structure Based Flexible Search Method for NcRNA Motifs, I. Veksler, M. Ziv-Yukelson, D. Barash and K. Kedem, Journal of Computational Biology, 14(7)(2007), pp. 908-926.  STRMS page.

35.  Binarization, character extraction, and writer identification of historical Hebrew calligraphy documents, I. Bar-Yosef, I. Beckman, I. Dinstein and K. Kedem, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,  9(2007), pp. 89-99.


        Integration of RNA search methods for identifying novel riboswitch patterns in eukaryotes, A.N.  Cohen, K.  Kedem, M.  Shapira and D. BarashComputational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, IEEE, (2005), pp. 193-194.  

37.  The URMS-RMS hybrid algorithm for fast and sensitive local protein structure alignment, G. Yona and K. Kedem, Journal of Computational Biology 12(2005), pp. 12-32.

38. Classification of Hebrew calligraphic handwriting styles: preliminary results, I. Bar-Yosef, K. Kedem, I. Dinstein, M. Beit-Arie and E. Angel, proc. International Workshop on Document Image Analysis for Libraries, (2004), pp. 299-305, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), CA, USA.

39. STR2: a structure to string approach for locating G-box riboswitch shapes in pre-selected genes, O. Bergig, D. Barash, E. Nudler and K. Kedem, In Silico Biol. 4, 0049 (2004).

40. Voronoi diagrams of moving points in the plane and of lines in space: tight bounds for simple configurations, A. Weisman, L.P. Chew and K. Kedem, Information Processing Letters, 92(2004), pp. 245-251.

41. Finding the consensus shape for a protein family, L.P. Chew and K. Kedem, Algorithmica, 38(1)(2004), pp. 115-129.

42. Walking Around Fat Obstacles, L.P. Chew, H. David, M.J. Katz and K. Kedem, Information Processing Letters, 83(2002), pp. 135-140.

43. Improved algorithms for placing undesirable facilities, M.J. Katz, K. Kedem and M. Segal, Computers and Operations Research, 29(13)(2002), pp. 1859-1872.

44. Determining the Largest Common Connected Substructure In Conformational Polymorphs, A. Enosh, K. Kedem and J. Bernstein, ESA (2002), Lecture Notes on Computer Science #2461, pp. 436-448.

45. Optimal facility location under various distance functions, S. Bespametnik, K. Kedem, M. Segal and A. Tamir, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 10(5)(2000), pp. 523-534.

46. Comparative analysis of dendritic architecture of identified neurons using the Hausdorff distance metric, A. Mizrahi, E. Ben-Ner, G.J. Glusman,M. Katz, K. Kedem and F. Libersat, Journal of Comparative Neurology,  422(3)(2000), pp. 415-428.

47. Discrete Rectilinear 2-Center Problems, M. Katz,  K. Kedem and M. Segal,  Computational Geometry: Theory  and Applications, 15(2000), pp. 203-214.

48. Fast detection of geometric substructure in proteins, L.P. Chew, K. Kedem, D.P. Huttenlocher and J. Kleinberg, Journal of Computational Biology, 6:(3-4)(1999), pp. 313-325.

49. Unit-vector RMS (URMS) as a tool to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories, K. Kedem, L.P. Chew and R. Elber, Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 37(1999), pp. 554-564.

50. Computing a double-ray center for a planar point set, A. Glozman, K. Kedem  and G. ShpitalnikInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 9(2)1999, pp. 103-123.

51.  Geometric Pattern Matching in d-Dimensional Space, L.P. Chew, D. Dor, A. Efrat and K. Kedem, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 21(1999), pp. 257-274.


     In the press

Please see our web site Historical documents' analysis in Hebrew and Arabic in the media


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